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自从童年时起卡尔就一直是一个被命运跑踢来踢去的球,饱经沧桑。Carl had been from his childhood a ball of fortune to spurn at.

我们应该蔑视困难,但绝不应轻视它们。We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them.

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我们不能像在哥本哈根和哥拉斯哥那样浪费机会。We can't spurn chances like we did in Copenhagen and against Celtic.

不为物役、摒弃武力是软实力思想的内在旨归。The internal aim lies not to be enthral of things and to spurn the force.

不要拒绝他们假如你也能帮忙,否则他们不会再给你答案了。Don’t spurn them if you can help it – they will not want to give you an answer again.

如果我为了你的哭和你这非常害怕的神气来怜悯你,你也应该拒绝这怜悯。If I pitied you for crying and looking so very frightened, you should spurn such pity.

华盛顿,首尔和东京方面严词拒绝了中国关于六方会谈的盛情邀请。Washington, Seoul and Tokyo were correct to spurn China’s call for a six-party meeting.

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研究人员提议,排斥饮酒的人往往悲惨可怜而与社会格格不入。People who spurn alcohol tend to be miserable social misfits, researchers have suggested.

说到买家有一天可能会抛弃美国国债,中国一直是人们产生这种担心的主要原因。China is center stage when it comes to fears that buyers will one day spurn U.S. Treasurys.

近代以来,中国人对于现代性政治的拒斥基本上是基于特殊主义的理由。In these neoteric days, Chinese spurn at modernistic politics, basically ground on particularism.

他们不求物质进步,只想分享多一点的份额——还有自由与平等。They do not spurn material progress but want a greater share of it—along with freedom and equality.

法国人把工作和休闲分得很清楚,如果您的电话响了,就等着别人藐视地瞪着您吧。French discerpt work and recreation very clearly, they will spurn at you if your moblie are ringing.

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因此,我们反对以所谓的效率和机会公平为借口拒斥再分配的主张。Therefore we are against those who make use of the so-called effectiveness and chance-equity to spurn the reallocation.

机械上摒弃了龙门式、悬臂式等传统的结构,设计了一种基于机器人的坐标测量机。We spurn conventional mechanism of CMM and design a new non-contact and non-orthogonal CMM based on robotic technology.

同时,记忆犹新的大萧条造成银行和放贷人可能都回避大胆的金融冒险。At the same time, fresh memories of the depression caused banks and borrowers alike to spurn aggressive financial risk-taking.

新农村建设应彻底转变过去落后的建房方式,建房前应进行科学的选址。During the construction of the New Countrysides, we should select the building locations scientifically and spurn the uncultured modes before.

在库福尔和塔代伊接连错过他创造的绝佳机会后,奥卡卡不懈的努力终于在第36分钟收到回报。Having seen Samuel Kuffour and Rodrigo Taddei spurn guilt-edged chances of his making, Okaka finally got his deserved assist after 36 minutes.

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尽管奥巴马致力于调节,但是我们的敌对者诸如伊朗、朝鲜、哈马斯可能拒绝美国所伸出的调停之手,或者一开始就拒绝通信会谈。Obama's efforts at conciliation, our adversaries—Iran, North Korea, Hamas, among others—may spurn America's outstretched hand, or meet it with a mailed fist.

上帝对摩西说“这些人要藐视我到几时“,他们还要不相信我到几时,当我在他们中间显示了一切神迹以后?And the Lord said to Moses, "How long will this people spurn Me, and how long will they have no faith in Me despite all the signs that I have performed in their midst?

同时,我们也应该应彻底摒弃通过求神拜佛来消灾的消极思想和天命论思想。At the same time, we should thoroughly spurn the negative ideology , such as the Fatality Thoughts that people can eliminate the disasters by praying in front of Buddha.