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维护阶段。Maintenance stage.

一女生走上台来。A girl on stage to.

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戏台不就是戏台嘛。A stage is a stage.

我被人嘘下了舞台。And booed off stage.

李璧琦和我在台上。Becky and I on stage.

它掉到了地上It falls on the stage.

它延续至成年。the healthy adult stage.

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莫文蔚本来就是属于舞台的。She belongs to the stage.

为增长业绩做好准备。Sett the stage for growth.

大牛你看,这戏台上。Daniel, look. On the stage.

他又再一次的走上台。He came on the stage again.

启动上升段。Initiates the ascent stage.

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这就是以前的戏台啊。It was a stage in the past.

雷欧在舞台上总是抢风头。Leo is a real ham on stage.

设置阶段是至关紧要的。Setting the stage is vital.

他们全都在舞台上。They were all on the stage.

她在台上慢慢地走着。She walked slowly on- stage.

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她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。She was mad about the stage.

这么漂亮的戏台。With such a beautiful stage.

处于性器官期。You're in the phallic stage.