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男士牛仔休闲衬衫高质量超低价!Men's leisured jeans shirt, high quality, supper lower price!

这位老人宁愿干点事也不愿闲着。The old man prefers doing something useful to being leisured.

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但是如果就只有一个人,只是为了休闲骑行,我一般不会带。But if I am alone, only for leisured ride, I would not wear it.

那个悠闲的男子对金库里的财宝没有采取措施。The leisured man took no measure for the treasure in the treasury.

我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。I can’t endure the leisured man’s measures for the treasures in the treasury.

当前旅游发展的主要方向是生态旅游和休闲旅游。At present, main direction of developing tourism is ecological and leisured tourism.

而森林旅游的最突出特点恰是生态性和休性。The ecological and leisured nature is outstanding characteristics of forest tourism.

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家用电器让我们从家务,这样我们能够享受更多的悠闲时间。Household electrical appliances free us from housework so that we can enjoy more leisured time.

风云间隙,放下一切,在美域私家会所,享受从容不迫的节奏。During holidays, you may put down anything, and enjoy the leisured rhythm in the private club of ROYAL MANSION.

在三亚凯莱度假酒店度过人生中的一段闲适时光是再合适不过的了。At this time of the year, nowhere is as good as a seaside retreat like Gloria Resort Sanya for a leisured holiday.

小说中的主人公通过他们的闲暇生活,常能体察和他们自身以及和别人有关的一些重大问题。In the course of their leisured lives, the protagonists learn important lessons about themselves and other people.

黄健翔的足球比赛解说既自然朴实又富有激情,不紧不慢又包含大量信息。Inornate but passionate, the commentary of soccer match by Jian'xiang Huang is always in a leisured way while abound in useful informations.

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不过,他现在在政府部门上着悠闲到自觉苦恼的班,我不知,该是喜是悲。However, he works in the governmental department where the job makes him feel leisured to anguished, I don't know, what my feeling is, happy or grief.

她们的悠闲生活已经天翻地覆,她们的开导、祈求和忠告已毫无用处,怎么也抵挡不住那股势如狂澜将她们席卷而去的巨大力量了。Their leisured world had been turned topsy-turvy, and their pleadings, prayers and advice availed nothing against the powerful forces sweeping them along.

雅典每个成年人都有两个或三个奴隶,那些优闲的公民,也包括苏格拉底自己,要花大量的时间在体育场强身健体,或者讨论问题磨炼自己的心志。There were two or three slaves for every adult, so leisured citizens, Socrates included, spent most of their time at the gym honing their bodies or in discussions sharpening their minds.

几乎是从最早的时代开始,无论何时只要有闲暇和财富的滋润,女性总是通过表现自己无力劳作,来展示她们的高贵身份。Since almost the earliest times, whenever there was leisure and wealth to be enjoyed, the women displayed their leisured status by rendering themselves obviously incapable of physical work.

随着人们闲时、闲钱和闲情的增多,尤其是休闲阶层即中间阶层的不断扩大,休闲已成为一种普遍的社会现象。As increase of free time, spare money and leisurely mood of the public, especially the growth of the leisured class, namely, the middle class, leisure has become the popular social phenomenon.

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黑龙江省的旅游开发必须以森林旅游为主体依托框架,整合休闲旅游和生态旅游,最终将森林旅游打为全省的支柱产业。Developing Heilongjiang provincial tourism, we should synthesize leisured tourism and ecological tourism and make the forest tourism the supporting industry of Heilongjiang province in the end.

随着人们闲时、闲钱和闲情的增多,尤其是休闲阶层即中间阶层的不断扩大,休闲已成为一种普遍的社会现象。As increase of free time, much money and leisurely mood of the public, especially the growth of the leisured class, namely, the middle class, the leisure has become the popular social phenomenon.

他认为,康德关于纯粹趣味的论述,其实是将属于生活优越的上层有闲阶级的审美情趣普遍化为人类感性体验的共同原则。For Bourdieu, Kant's discussion and description of pure taste in fact forcedly make the privileged life belong to the leisured upper-class aesthetic taste to a universal human emotional experience.