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末玛芝永远不会找我跳舞。Marge will never go for me.

玛姬让萝拉看雪伦的电报。Marge lets Norah see Sharon' s telegram.

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他是比尔和玛琪家的常客。He was a frequent visitor in Marge and Bills home.

老杰弗和玛吉感谢我,倒是我要向他们感恩才是。Jeff Sr. and Marge thanked me, but I was the grateful one.

德思礼一家、玛姬姑妈和哈利共用了一顿惊心动魄的晚餐。The Dursleys, Aunt Marge and Harry have a fancy evening dinner.

弗农要求哈利在玛姬来访期间做到三点。Vernon barks three conditions to Harry while Marge is visiting.

虽然玛姬阿姨现在住院,但她很快就会康复。Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she’ll soon be fit as a fiddle.

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而且,玛姬说上个星期在福布斯特上校那里也发生了同样的事。Then again, Marge says the same thing happened to her just last week at Colonel Fubster's.

很快,玛姬跟着弗农来了,拥抱了达力并把一张二十英磅塞到他手里。Soon Marge arrives with Vernon, hugging Dudley while planting a twenty-pound note in his hand.

吃过点心后,弗农给玛姬喝了一些白兰地,她就开始数落哈利。After desert, Vernon offers Marge some brandy when she starts to make comments about Harry again.

罗琳最重要的主题之一就是偏见,而玛姬就是书中最典型的对别人带有偏见的人。Aunt Marge is one of the clearest examples in the books of intolerance, one of Rowling's key themes.

母亲marge在家照看10岁的bart和8岁的Lisa以及还是婴儿的Maggie。The mother , Marge ,stays at home to take care of 10-year-old Bart , 8-year-old Lisa and baby Maggie.

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当哈利开始与玛姬争论波特夫妇的死因时,他控制不住自己的情绪了。Harry starts to lose his temper when he speaks up and debates with Aunt Marge about how the Potter's died.

我从法学院回家不久就有了报答玛琪的机会,报答她为我和母亲所做的一切。Shortly after I came home from law school I had the chance to repay Marge for all she'd done for Mother and for me.

费利斯·帕姆,在哈利波特第三部电影中饰演哈利永远神奇的玛姬姑妈的演员,正过着她的生日。Pam Ferris, the actress who portrays Harry's ever so wonderful Aunt Marge in the third Potter movie is celebrating her birthday.

第三,弗农已经告诉玛姬哈利上的的是圣布鲁斯安全中心少年犯学校,那里专门收容不可救药的少年犯,哈利必须装作的确是如此。Third, Vernon has told Marge that Harry attends St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys, Harry has to play along.

玛姬这里是在谈论狗,但显然她是在用相当粗鲁的话间接地指责佩妮的妹妹莉莉。Of course Marge is speaking about dogs here, but there's no escaping the fact that she is using a rather rude term to refer indirectly to Petunia's sister, Lily.

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杂志还刊登了以“玛吉辛普森心中的恶魔”主题的访谈以及三页她的照片,特此纪念辛普森剧播出二十周年。The magazine, which also carries an interview titled 'The Devil In Marge Simpson", as well as another three pages of pictures, is in honour of the 20th anniversary of the The Simpsons.