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恒星爆发数年后的回光Light Echo Years After Stellar Outburst

为G级星,见恒星分类。For G-class stars, see Stellar classification.

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如何实现快速增长的呢?How has achieved this stellar growth?

星火电影院坐落在芷江西路1号。Stellar Cinema is located at No. 1, West Zhijiang Road.

星球的重力井的重量只相当于几个太阳。Stellar gravity wells can weigh as little as a few suns.

而对此类会议的形式产生显著影响的一年是1924年。One of the stellar years for the convention form was 1924.

她说,“结合这一背景来看,中国的增长其实没那么出色。”In that context, Chinese growth no longer looks so stellar.

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它是个很好的利用科技为社会谋福利的例子。It's a stellar example of using technology for social good.

恒星风所运载出的质量愈来愈少,使其速度愈来愈快。The stellar wind carries ever less mass at ever increasing speed.

气体云之间的碰撞可能会触发产星高潮。Collisions between the gas clouds may trigger a stellar baby boom.

这是开放源码参与者和创新者的一个全名星队。This is a stellar roster of open source committers and innovators.

主动镜是恒星光干涉仪中的关键部件之一。Active mirror is one of the key parts in the stellar interferometer.

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乙太的阻力,�星光行差,乙太理论的崩溃。Aether Drag, Stellar Aberration, and the Collapse of the Aether Theory.

借助太空望远镜可以观察到许多离我们很远的恒星系。Many faraway stellar systems can be observed through a space telescope.

如果恒星的光谱已知,就可得出尘埃的反照率。If the stellar spectrum is known, the albedo of the dust can be obtained.

试验会看到是否另外的星系也于这种恒星功能。One test will be to see whether other galaxies have this stellar feature.

恒星晕就是我们所熟知的恒星外围环绕着的白色漩涡状光晕,由恒星残骸构成。The stellar halo is debristhat surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars.

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稍差一点的设计将首先需要数小时的编码、重新设计和测试。A less stellar design requires hours of coding, redesign, and testing first.

这一星球构成的光晕是环绕我们熟悉的银河系漩涡的残骸物体。The stellar halo is debris that surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars.

比铁更重的元素会在超新星爆发过程中形成。Elements heavier than iron are formed in the stellar explosion of a supernova.