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这个赛季真够可怕的。"It has been a horrendous season, " said Dott.

他不明白自己怎么也居然成为了恐怖的第三十五号修正案的辩护士了。How, he wondered, had he become a champion of the horrendous 35th Amendment ?

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但从一定程度上讲,政府债券不可避免的会遭遇一个可怕的熊市。But at some point, government bonds will surely suffer a horrendous bear market.

这就是为什么半长轴是,如此大的数字的原因。So that's the reason why this semimajor axis is indeed such a horrendous number.

于是,在经历了两桩格外肮脏恐怖的命案后,辛巴终于成为了狮子王。So after two particularly nasty and horrendous deaths, Simba finally becomes the lion king.

这个地方是日本对中国人民犯下滔天罪行的见证。This place is witness to the horrendous crime that Japan committed against the Chinese people.

大家都知道布朗是乔丹当奇才总经理时选的水货状元。Also known as the absolutely horrendous first overall pick by MJ when he was GM for the Wizards.

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海瑟尔惨案才刚过去四年,利物浦又卷入了另一场骇人听闻的球场意外。Four years after Heysel, Liverpool was again involved in a horrendous crush at a football ground.

甚至没有绝对令人惊恐的创造物类如一场大型的灭绝是一种牺牲的类型。Not even the most horrendous of creations such as a mass annihilation, is a form of victimization.

为了缩小这种适得其反的变大,我们将谈谈第二种RLE编码方法的变体。However, to help reduce this horrendous expansion of size, we go to the next variant of RLE coding.

有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就是爱情与战争的历史”。An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war".

他们再一次遭受了重大的损失,一个突击炮大队只剩不足百人。Again casualties were horrendous , with one Waffen-SS assault battalion reduced to fewer than 100 men.

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在线营销中的另一个存在巨大浪费的地方是没有把那些潜在的消费者变成真正的客户。Another area of truly horrendous waste in the internet marketing arena is the failure to capture opt-ins.

与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring withregularityin our neighbouring country a Body of water.

缺乏低位进攻能力,他是一个勇敢的球员但不具有很多的篮底进攻。Weaknesses – Horrendous low post skills, he does not have many post up moves and is more of a face up player.

与在纽约见到的墓园一样,墓地没有悚然与诡异的感觉,就像走在公园里。And seeing the cemetery in New York, like graveyard no horrendous and weird feeling, like walking in the park.

对于这样一个大型运营商来说,用户信息尤其是电子邮件地址泄露是很可怕的事。It's horrendous how customer data, specifically email addresses, are negligently leaked by a large telco provider.

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作为一个病理学者和前肉类检查员,我相信我的同事们对竞技秀中的牛所受的可怕的伤害的报告。As a pathologist and former meat inspector, I believe my colleagues when they report horrendous injuries to rodeo cattle.

甚至在最可怕的灾难面前,我们也可以比想象中做得更多,以提高我们预防和生存的概率。We can do far more than we think to improve our odds of preventing and surviving even the most horrendous of catastrophes.

不错的爱情是您议决一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是您为了一个人舍弃世界。Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while horrendous love makes you keep the whole world for one person.