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我与你同姓。I'm your namesake.

和他同名的苹果,福勒苹果,至今仍有种植。His namesake apple, the Fowler apple, is still cultivated.

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辛吉斯迷倒球迷,并使他们想起与她同名的网坛前辈。Martina Hingis charms the fans and reminds them of her namesake.

以美国现任总统巴拉克·奥巴马的名字命名的是一种橙色地衣。The current US president Barack Obama's namesake is an orange-colored lichen.

图为一条正在墨西哥湾海底伸展它锯齿般吻的锯鳐。A sawfish stretches its namesake snout across the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.

三宅一生品牌创立于1970年代,为其同名的创始人、时装设计师所创。Issey Miyake was set up by its namesake founder and fashion designer in the 1970s.

裴熙亮的运动鞋杰克保留了其同名的遗产和他的运动感觉。The Jack Purcell sneaker retains the legacy of its namesake and the feel of his sport.

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巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的瘟疫一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague.

与新教皇同名的圣方济称世界上所有的有机物为“兄弟姐妹”。The new pope's namesake called the world's organisms our "brother and sister creatures."

火星侦察轨道器一直绕着2006年年初以来同名的星球。The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been circumnavigating its namesake planet since early 2006.

于是,我把这事告诉了那位与我同姓的年轻人,并对他说,要是他能游过去,我就给他一个差使。Well, I told my young namesake about it and I said to him that if he'd do it I'd give him a job.

你也许没有意识到我跟你同姓?我施洗礼时被命名为圣·约翰·爱·里弗斯?You are not, perhaps, aware that I am your namesake? -- that I was christened St. John Eyre Rivers?

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近年来,斯图尔特斯佩克特买回了他的名字命名的公司,并开始制作自己的低音了。In recent years Stuart Spector bought back his namesake company and began making his own basses again.

之名被搬上首都话剧舞台。同名电视剧在二零零七年六月起在多家地方台推出。The namesake TV series was released in June 2007 and was shown on provincial and regional TV stations.

这恰恰与苏格拉底在预言者的同名对话中同欧雪弗洛说得正好相反。This is exactly the opposite of what Socrates says to Euthyphro in the soothsayer's namesake dialogue.

大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我同姓。I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.

就像日常生活中的同名同姓,这种混沌是无序的、乌有的、不能完全想象的无形状态。Like its namesake in daily life, this Chaos was an un-ordered, un-anything, not quite imaginable, shapeless state.

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结果使探险白费力气,并认为“非洲独角兽”是像它名字一样的传说。Determined expeditions uncovered nothing, and it would seem the “African unicorn” was just as mythical as its namesake.

混凝土结构被覆盖着泥土色调的赤陶土瓷砖,和博物馆同名的人的肖像装饰了它的立面。The concrete structure is clad in earth-toned terracotta tiles, and a portrait of the museum's namesake adorns one facade.

1936年,柏林曾经为奥运会建设了一座奥林匹亚球场,而慕尼黑的同名球场在建筑水平上有了极大的超越。The Olympiastadion was Munich innovative architectural answer to its Berlin namesake constructed for the Olympics back in 1936.