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一个流浪的人偶师来到了一个小镇上。A A wandering puppeteer goes to a town.

事实上,我小时候想当一位玩木偶的。Actually, when I was younger I wanted to be a puppeteer.

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正是他们扮演的角色使木偶看上去有了生命。It is the role of the puppeteer to make these forms come alive.

如果傀儡师是一个好傀儡师,傀儡们就会很高兴去做傀儡。Puppets are happy to be puppets if puppeteer is a good puppeteer.

尼恩·农布其实是迈克·奎因在背景下面操纵的人偶。Nien Nunb was actually a puppet controlled from beneath the set by puppeteer Mike Quinn.

每个木偶戏表演者都需要能单手举起木偶,至少要保持40分钟。Every puppeteer needs to be able to hold up a puppet with one hand for at least 40 minutes.

沙利文先生是一位专业的木偶戏表演者,他的夫人很喜欢摄影和旅行。Mr. Sullivan is a professional puppeteer and Mrs. Sullivan isinterested in Photography and travel.

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了解如何在文乐木偶手臂控制在这个自由木偶教训作品从专家木偶。Learn how a Bunraku puppet arm control works in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

在木偶师迈克尔·奎因的建议下,萨卢斯特人的面具进行了修改并用作人偶。At the suggestion of puppeteer Michael Quinn, the Sullustan mask was altered to allow for use as a puppet.

了解如何从一个专家为一文乐木偶傀儡手臂控制在这个自由木偶握教训。Learn how to make a grip for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何添加来自专家的文乐木偶木偶木偶教训在这个自由的标记手臂控制指南。Learn how to add guide markings for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何粘合起来的文乐木偶戏傀儡在这个自由的教训从专家木偶手臂控制部件。Learn how to glue together parts for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

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了解如何联合起来在这个自由木偶木偶教训,从一专家为文乐木偶手臂控制管。Learn how to join together tubes for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

学习如何准备演习,使从专家木偶一文乐木偶戏傀儡在这个自由的教训手臂控制。Learn how to prepare a drill to make a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

了解如何将一起在这个自由切换木偶教训一文乐木偶手臂控制从专家木偶。Learn how to put together toggle for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.

萨拉舍斯·B·克拉姆是一个精细复杂的木偶,由蒂姆·罗斯控制,他同时也是阿克巴上将的木偶操控者。Salacious B. Crumb was an intricately detailed puppet controlled by Tim Rose, the same puppeteer who worked Admiral Ackbar.

所谓傀儡戏就是利用贴在人偶躯干和四肢上的细线来操作的人偶戏,操纵傀儡的师父则站在舞台的上方来进行表演。Marionettes are puppets guided by strings attached to the body and limbs of the puppet. A puppeteer above the stage controls these strings.

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他就像个木偶师一样,一边说着一边用双手模仿着咀嚼的样子,手指上下蠕动着,活像游戏里那个慢慢咀嚼吞食的“吃豆人”1。As he spoke, he mimicked the act of chewing with his hands, moving his fingers up and down like a puppeteer bringing a slow-munching Pac-Man to life.

木偶艺人在街头演出的“扁担戏”,由一人挑着一担戏箱穿街过巷或穿村走乡。The puppeteer performed his "carrying pole drama" in the streets, because only one person pick a load of drama box could perform in street or village.

如果一个提线木偶能移动一个角色的跨部,抬起它的肩和膝在一个适当的位置,尽量容易地一个铅笔动画师,为什么他在CG上比较困难?If a puppeteer can move a character's hips, leaving the knees and shoulders in place, as easily as can a pencil animator, why should it be harder in CG?