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促进竞争和商务。Competitiveness and Business Facilitation.

这真是一个是十分有意义的贸易简易化方法。It's really a significant trade facilitation measure.

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六是提高贸易便利化水平。Sixth, we will improve the level of trade facilitation.

特定的学习任务对应特定的易化程序。Special learning task corresponds special facilitation program.

这些措施里还包括主要在巴格达设立促进返乡中心。It also includes return facilitation centers, mostly in Baghdad.

第二,促进贸易便利化,不断扩大贸易规模。Second, promote trade facilitation and expand bilateral trade volume.

促进贸易投资安全与便利化。Second, to promote the security and facilitation of trade and investment.

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我们对他们表示欢迎,并将提供一切可能的便利和协助。We welcome them and will provide all possible facilitation and assistance.

其次,我们将最大限度地做好便民利民服务,重点实施以下八项措施。Second, for the best facilitation of passengers, we will take 8 key measures.

进行团队工作,需要鼓励促进和团队领导方面的技能。Running a group workshop requires the skills of facilitation and team leadership.

一种方案是将贸易便利化从谈判转变为发展计划。One option is to shift trade facilitation from a negotiation to a development plan.

第一,坚定立场,积极推动贸易和投资自由化便利化。First, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation with strong determination.

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采用一次性被动回避反应检测所合成的化合物对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响。Learning and memory facilitation in mice were studied by one trial passive avoidance response.

贸易与投资自由化及便利化将继续是亚太经合组织的核心目标。Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation will continue to be APEC’s core objective.

公司位于江阴市西门,就近汽车站、港口、火车站,交通便利。Simmons, based in Jiangyin City, the nearest bus station, port, railway, transport facilitation.

本着完全互惠的精神,领导人讨论了遣返和便利签证问题。In the spirit of full reciprocity, leaders discussed issues of readmission and visa facilitation.

结果显示,重复分心物促进效应是由习惯化机制造成的。The results showed that the facilitation effect of distractor repetition was caused by habituation.

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这时项目经理和敏捷团队负责人都可以当回顾会议的主持人。In this scenario the project manager and the Agile Team Lead can share responsibility for facilitation.

越方欢迎中国企业到越南投资兴业,并将为他们提供更多便利。Vietnam welcomes Chinese businesses to invest and develop there and will provide more facilitation for them.

贸易和投资自由化便利化是亚太地区经济发展的动力。Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation is an engine of economic development in the Asia Pacific.