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超过二十万个孩子住在你永远无法想象的地方。Over two lakh children live in places you can never imagine.

那些身受重伤,将得到每一个卢比万卢比。Those who sustained serious injuries will get Rs. 1 Lakh each.

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在此之后,在阿鲁纳恰仅印度将有大约1万士兵。After this, in Arunachal alone India will have about 1 lakh soldiers.

我国大规模的军事存在跨越边界估计在3万人。China's massive military presence across the border estimated at 3 lakh troops.

如果有人有异议,那么加上煤炭门的1.8万亿卢比,肯定更多!If anyone has objections, then add coal gate 1.8 Lakh crores to settle the issue !

庙产土地供应约十万人生产,但他们每亩只交1000卢比的租。The gurudwara land supports around one lakh people but they pay only Rs 1000 per acre.

此外,按照政府农业咨询中心门的数字本产季面积为170万公顷。Further, as per the government agriculture department figures, this season it stood at 17 lakh hectares.

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当时,每天有一列火车拉着25万升水从马哈拉斯特拉邦西部的米勒杰,到这座炎热的城市。Till then, a train was carrying 25 lakh litres of water from Miraj in western Maharashtra to the parched city every day.

通过这些手段,纺织部已经建立了5年的每年30万卢比的雄心勃勃的目标。Through these instruments, the Ministry of Textiles has set an ambitious target of training 30 lakh persons over 5 years.

超过平均降水量的居那加德和贾姆讷格尔两县,产量预计将达到30万吨左右。For both Junagadh and Jamnagar, which recorded more than nononoerage rainfall, yield is expected to be around 3 lakh tonnes.

在卡奇-索拉什特拉地区,花生种植面积已经从2002年的260万公顷下降到190万公顷。From 26 lakh hectares in 2002, the groundnut cultivation area in the Kutch-Saurashtra region has gone down to 19 lakh hectares.

超过十万人正前往朝圣,这引发了人群的恐慌,大家争着跑向安全的地方,导致了这起踩踏事故。With more than a lakh of people for the pilgrimage, this set off panic with people trying to rush to safety, which caused the stampede.

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在第一轮销售中,多达10万人为了这部手机在Flipkart上注册,但只有少数人成功购得。In the first round of sales, as many as 1 lakh people had registered for the device on Flipkart, but only a few successfully managed to get one.

有毒牛奶造成30多万人患病。我以为这条新闻讲的是我们国家,只是误把中国的名字印上去了。Toxic milk causing sickness to more than 300000 lakh people . I thought the news is about our country & by mistake the name of China have been printed?

在与绑架犯通话中,库马尔说自己无力拿出如此巨额的资金,不过表示愿意给50万卢比现金和价值100万卢比的黄金。In his phone conversation with the abductors of the boy, Kumar expressed his inability to mobilise such a huge sum and, instead, offered Rs 5 lakh in cash and gold worth Rs 10 lakh.