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这里应该有一撇This should be prime.

等于零,q,is,zero。,Δu等于w2一撇。q Delta u is w2 prime.

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我认为他是一等一的I think him very prime.

质数是什么?What is a prime number?

英联邦运动会就是主要的例子。CWG is the prime example.

擎天柱只能有一个声音。Prime only has one voice.

何时是一个人的盛年?When is a man in his prime?

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考虑使用定焦镜头。Consider using a prime lens.

变焦环转动或推拉不畅顺…Prime lens has no zoom ring.

做功是w一撇。We're going to have w prime.

等于w2一撇。And this is equal to w2 prime.

爱与恨是基本情感。Love and hate are prime emotion.

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请享受你盛年的芬芳吧。Enjoy the fragrance of thy prime.

萨伏耶先生是埃及总理。Mr. Shafiq is the prime minister.

朋友如酒,越老越好。Old friends or wine are not prime.

我们拥有一批年富力强。We have a number of prime of life.

由总理大臣担任首脑。It is chaired by the Prime Minister.

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首相管理国家事务。The Prime Minister guides the state.

英国的辅弼是谁?Who is the Prime Minister of Britain?

成像质量几近定焦。Image quality is like that of a prime.