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东北方向是阿富汗的贾拉拉巴德小镇。Northeast lies the Afghan town of Jalalabad.

黑鹰在30分钟后从Jalalabad启程。The Black Hawks departed from Jalalabad thirty minutes later.

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机组成员绘制出从Jalalabad到Abbottabad航线的相似路线。Aircrews plotted out a path that paralleled the flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad.

此外,南部的另外一个主要城市扎拉拉巴德也刚被卷进这场骚乱之中。Eleswhere Elsewhere in the region, another major southern city , Jalalabad is the last latest to be caught up.

吉尔吉斯斯坦的暴力冲突于上周四在南部的奥什和贾拉拉巴德爆发,在周末激化。The violence in the southern cities of Osh and Jalalabad broke out last Thursday and escalated at the weekend.

黑鹰起飞45分钟后,四架MH-47支奴干从Jalalabad相同跑道起飞。Forty-five minutes after the Black Hawks departed four MH-47 Chinooks launched from the same runway in Jalalabad.

阿富汗东部贾拉拉巴德市的精神疾病中心里,一名男子被铁鍊锁在窗棂上。A man is chained to a window frame in a center for the mentally ill in the eastern city of Jalalabad April 8, 2007.

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阿富汗塔利班武装人员13日清晨向阿东部楠格哈尔省首府贾拉拉巴德机场发动突袭。Taliban militants in eastern Afghanistan early in the morning to the capital of Nangarhar province, Jalalabad airport raid.

与此同时,数百名大学生到邻近的楠格哈尔省贾拉拉巴德的街道上抗议平民被杀。Meanwhile, hundreds of university students took to the streets of Jalalabad in neighboring Nangarhar province to protest the killings.

据报导,一名身穿阿富汗军服的自杀爆炸杀手在阿富汗东部贾拉拉巴德附近的一个军事基地外引爆身上的炸药。A suicide bomber, reportedly wearing an Afghan Army Uniform, detonated explosives outside a military base near Jalalabad in Eastern Afghanistan.

记录显示抗议者们在接下来的几天中跑遍了贾拉拉巴德的大街小巷,他们砸碎路边的玻璃,同时阻塞道路。Demonstrations ran through the streets of Jalalabad over the following days, the logs report, in which protesters broke windows and blocked roads.

2007年3月4日,在贾拉拉巴德市外围,一辆装满了爆炸物的迷你卡车,在一支三周前刚刚抵达阿富汗的美国海军陆战队护卫队中间被引爆。On 4 March 2007 a convoy of US marines, who arrived in Afghanistan three weeks earlier, were hit by an explosives-rigged minivan outside the city of Jalalabad.

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他说,还有18名平民在袭击中丧生,35人受伤。伤者正在拉格曼省和贾拉拉巴德市的医院内救治。The governor says that 18 civilians were also killed in the attack while 35 people were wounded who are being treated in hospitals in Laghman and in the city of Jalalabad.

吉尔吉斯斯坦领袖巴奇耶夫在上月的起义中被推翻。他的支持者闯入南部地区贾拉拉巴德和巴特肯的政府办公室。Supporters of Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Kyrgyzstan's leader deposed in an uprising last month, have broken into government offices in the southern regions of Jalalabad and Batken.

当吉尔吉斯斯坦的城市奥什和贾拉拉巴德被放火,导致10万乌兹别克族人套完乌兹别克斯坦境内时,莫斯科惊慌失措了,然后用飞机派遣了少量的军人进行人道主义救援。While the Kyrgyz cities of Osh and Jalalabad burned, sending almost 100, 000 ethnic Uzbeks fleeing into Uzbekistan, Moscow dithered and then sent a few planeloads of humanitarian aid.