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我们做他的八角帽。We made his octagonal hat.

这书是八角钱一本。This book is one of an octagonal money.

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是八棱铜杆的?从图片看不出那不对。Is it octagonal copper pole?I can't see it from pics only.

中间的八角庭里有几个人在谈天说地。The middle octagonal court, there are a few people chatting.

这些不同的形状包括椭圆形,圆形,方形和八边形的。The different shapes include oval, round, square, and octagonal.

从理论上对准晶体中八方晶系各点群进行了研究。The point groups of octagonal system in quasicrystal are studied.

中国的双节棍多是圆的,而日本的是八边形的。Chinese nunchaku tend to be rounded, whereas Japanese are octagonal.

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这座城市就是按照八卦的图形修建的。The citys octagonal layout was modeled on the eight-diagram pattern.

八角形的灯塔是加拿大最值得摄影留念的风景之一。Its octagonal lighthouse is one of the most photographed spots in Canada.

这座亭子无论从哪个角度看上去都是八个角,故又名八角亭。This pavilion has eight edges, so it is also known as "Octagonal pavilion".

其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆。His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral.

从平面图看上去,该建筑有一个八边形中央大厅,四周被几个方形走廊所环绕。In plan, it has an octagonal central hall surrounded by square shaped corridors.

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古老的威廉皇帝纪念教堂直侧建有八角形的新教堂。The old straight side of Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church built a new octagonal church.

方外观西南桥外有一座西式八角亭。Beyond the bridge in the southeast of Fangwaiguan was a Western-style octagonal pavilion.

形态各异的窗户点缀在走廊上,有方形,有圆形,有六角形,也有八角形。Corridors are dotted by windows of various shapes—square, round, hexagonal and octagonal.

托德坐在了椅子上,他的头昂向后面,固定在了一个八角形的金属笼子里。Todd sat in the chair, his head tipped back and immobilized inside an octagonal metal cage.

设计了一种供旋耕刀测力用的延伸八角环传感器。An extended octagonal ring transducer is designed for measuring the forces on a rotary blade.

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八角形的小观察室能容纳三个人,并且可以下降到三米的深度。The octagonal viewing cubicle holds three persons and can be lowered to a depth of three meters.

巨大的八边形结构,包括10个房间两间浴室,只有乘坐缆车可以进入。The massive octagonal structure contains 10 rooms, 2 baths, and is accessible only by a funicular.

中山纪念堂是一座巨大的八角形建筑,坐落在广州市区中心。Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, a huge octagonal building, is located in the center of downtown Guangzhou.