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斯金纳在和龙甘曼说话。Kaiser are you speaking with me?

我想应该是郭怡广吧。I guess that would be Kaiser Kuo.

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这是德国威黑姆国王的纪念台。This is the "Kaiser Wilhelm" memorial.

根据凯泽家族基金会的统计According to the Kaiser Family Foundation

凯萨会员捐献的样本。Samples have been donated by thousands of Kaiser members.

凯萨研究项目的参与者将不会有这样的选择。The Kaiser study participants will not have the same option.

凯泽先生拒绝对此次会议作出直接评论。Mr. Kaiser has declined to comment directly about the meetings.

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凯瑟健康报说,医学研究所的报告支持了护士们的意见。This IOM report bolsters the nurses' case, Kaiser Health News says.

KPC产品公司是台湾KP公司在美国的办事处。KPC Products, Inc. is the U. S. office for Kaiser Pharmaceutical Co.

百度发言人郭怡广拒绝就周二的报道置评。Baidu spokesman Kaiser Kuo declined to comment on the report Tuesday.

总而言之,凯泽·波莫恩特医院未遵守五条州定法规和十五条联邦法规。In all, Kaiser failed to adhere to five state and 15 federal regulations.

九月,一九一八年,他们会见了德国统治者威廉。In September, nineteen eighteen, they met with German ruler Kaiser Wilhelm.

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“这是一种无休止的战争”,郭怡广说,对百度的发言人。"This kind of warfare is interminable, " said Kaiser Kuo, spokesman for Baidu.

凯萨恒健研究分支的瑞切尔维特莫领导了这项调查。Rachel Whitmer , from the Kaiser Permanente R research D division led the study.

夜里3点钟时,我搭在椅子上的内衣像个脚蹬旱冰鞋的皇帝。M. the underwear I had draped over a chair resembled the Kaiser on roller skates.

凯泽鼓励医生对所有青少年患者使用少儿普查。Kaiser encourages physiciansto use TeenScreen with all of their adolescent patients.

古老的威廉皇帝纪念教堂直侧建有八角形的新教堂。The old straight side of Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church built a new octagonal church.

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这样一来,维多利亚公主的儿子威廉二世——也就是当时的德国国王,就能继承王位,从而同时统治德国和英国。That would have made her son — Wilhelm II, who at that time was the German Kaiser — king.

维姬·赖德奥特在凯泽家庭基金会,健康研究小组,撰写了这份报告。Vicky Rideout at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health research group, wrote the report.

这些战绩使Richthofen成为威廉二世最可怕的战士之一。These military exploits made Richthofen one of the most feared warriors of Kaiser Wilhelm.