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她胸部有压迫感。She feels a constriction in the chest.

救恩乃是要把我们从这种束缚中释放。III. Salvation-Yasha- is to relieve such constriction.

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航空公司的势力范围有收缩的趋势。The muscles of the airways are liable to constriction.

洋葱对支气管的收缩有很大的帮助。Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes.

也许是你身体不同部分的沉重和压抑。Maybe heaviness or constriction in different parts of your body.

她捶着胸,仿佛胸际有些痛苦窒塞。She thumps her chest as if she feels pain or constriction there.

大豆苷元可明显拮抗豚鼠离体胆囊收缩。Daidzein could obviously antagonize gall bladder constriction in guinea pig.

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有少量胸腔积液,没有心包收缩的证据。There was a small pleural effusion and no evidence of pericardial constriction.

结果与之相反,有一小部分血管出现了收缩。Instead, there was a small amount of blood vessel constriction in the group overall.

刺激一侧视网膜可引起双眼的瞳孔收缩。Thus stimulation of one retina will normally invoke pupillary constriction in both eyes.

文中详细介绍了三角带轮的构造自动张紧原理。Constriction and self tightening function of V belt pulley is demonstrated in this paper.

染色体短臂近着丝粒区观察到次缢痕。The secondary constriction has been observed on the centromere region of the chromosome No.

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这种方法占用大量施工时间,并存在选测点的随意性。These methods would take a lot of constriction time and the measurement point is stochastic.

瞳孔收缩和斜视或许以为着此人被他所看到的东西困扰到了。Pupil constriction and squinting can mean that a person is bothered by what he or she is seeing.

动眼神经也负责眼球的转动和提升上眼睑。The oculomotor nerve is also responsible for pupillary constriction and raising the upper eyelid.

在我长期的工作中,我目睹过我的客户这种反复周期。In my long term work, I have witnessed this very cycle of constriction and expansion in my clients.

“转变”是跟随一种新的和平的体验,就像你从紧缩状态转向无限的可能一样。Transformation is followed by a new sense of peace, as you move from constriction to limitlessness.

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对吗丁啉诱导的收缩加强作用表现为协同效应。However, it was intensifying in constriction induced by Domperidone. It may be a synergistic action.

三种在臂比值和次缢痕的有无、位置方面存在差异。However, the SAT-chromosome and the secondary constriction were not found on any chromosome present.

如果窦口的缩窄已阻碍窦腔的通气和引流,则应扩大之。If the Dou Kou constriction has hindered the Dou Qiang ventilation and the drainage, should expand it.