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都灵是一座无风的城市。Turin is a windless city.

都灵裹尸布是被达芬奇伪造的?Was Turin Shroud faked by Leonardo da Vinci?

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生物物理学家卢卡·都灵专门研究关于嗅觉的科学。Biophysicist Luca Turin studies the science of smell.

这是双方在都灵交锋上的第一次平局。This was the first historical draw of the Veneti in Turin.

韩朋在都灵奥运会之前一直没有停止过训练。Han Pen has never stopped training before the Turin Olympics.

里皮应邀从那波利来到都灵执掌教鞭。Lippi was brought from Napoli to Turin to aid in the turn around.

这种文献的残片,现存放于都灵市的国家图书馆。Of this literature pieces are stored in the National Library in Turin.

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我本来在2003年就能加盟尤文,但是非欧盟的身份影响了我。I could have arrived in Turin in 2003, but the non-EU status prevented me.

在我们返回都灵之后,我们也会再次造访阿莱西奥的家人。When we return to Turin we will also pay a visit to the family of Alessio.

在2006年都灵冬奥会之前,人们对米勒的期望更高了。Expectations for Miller were even greater ahead of the 2006 Turin Olympics.

对于韦森来说,在都灵取得的进球是他职业生涯中最光辉的时刻。As for Vaessen, that goal in Turin proved to be the highlight of his career.

都灵教授说这些发现与分子形状决定嗅觉的假设不一致。The findings are inconsistent with a shape-only model for smell, says Turin.

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保罗·乔尔达诺于1982年出生在都灵,获得理论物理学博士学位。Paolo Giordano was born in Turin in 1982. He has a PhD in theoretical physics.

迪。纳塔莱在乌迪内斯很开心,这是再正常不过的事情了,就像迭戈在都灵城也感到很开心一样。It's only normal Di Natale is happy in Udine, just as Diego was happy in Turin.

这名来自都灵的男子不久就从医院返回家中。The man from Turin returned to his hometown after being released from hospital.

都灵裹尸布,以我个人的意见和信仰来说,就是耶稣基督埋葬时的裹尸布。The Shroud of Turin is, in my opinion and belief, the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

然而,早在1800年的意大利都林,色彩就被运用到城市规划领域。However, in 1800s, in Turin of Italy, color had been used in the field of urban plan.

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当年,苏格兰队第二,德国队第三,在今年的比赛中他们将和加拿大队一决雌雄。Scotland, competing in the Turin Olympics for Britain, were second and Germany third.

一些人已经暗示了都灵裹尸布与伊多莎肖像之间有某种联系。Some have suggested a connection between the Shroud of Turin and the Image of Edessa.

在都灵,有人睡在大街上,蜗居在地下室格子间。And that in Turin there are people who sleep on the pavements, over warm cellar gratings.