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第二百一十八条质权人可以放弃质权。Article 218 The pledgee may waive his interest to the pledge.

它对质权人和出质人具有不同的效力。Pledgee and the quality of its people have a different effect.

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设定质权人为电信总局之可转让定期存款单。A negotiable certificate of deposit pledged with dgt as pledgee.

质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。Pledgee is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in China.

第六十四条出质人和质权人应当以书面形式订立质押合同。A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing.

允许质押协议项下的质权人再次使用收到的担保品。This allows a Pledgee under a Pledge agreement to reuse Collateral received.

质权登记申请应由质权人和出质人共同提出。A pledge registration application shall be jointly filed by the pledgor and the pledgee.

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股权质权的效力及于出质股东、质权人和第三人。The pledge of stock binds its effect to quality shareholders, pledgee and the third person.

因此给质权人或者第三人造成损失的,由出质人承担民事责任。The pledgor shall bear civil liability for the consequent loss of pledgee or the third party.

第三条以专利权出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面质押合同。Article 3 The pledger and the pledgee of a patent right shall enter into a written pledge contract.

质权人将在本协议规定的全部质押期间一直保管这些项目。Pledgee shall have custody of such items during the entire Term of Pledge set forth in this Agreement.

第二百一十二条质权自出质人交付质押财产时设立。Article 212 The pledge right shall be established after the pledgee has delivered the pledged properties.

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第二百二十二条出质人与质权人可以协议设立最高额质权。Article 222 The pledger and the pledgee may, upon negotiation, set up the pledge right of maximum amount.

质权人应保管好质押动产,不得因过失行为而丢失或造成损坏。The pledgee must take care of the goods and not lose or damage the property because of negligent actions.

担保的提供人或者出质人就要求质权人将其持有的担保品转换为另一种双方同意的类型。The Collateral Provider, or Pledgor, requests that the Pledgee switches Collateral it holds for a different agreed type.

因保管不善致使质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。If the pledged property is damaged, destroyed or lost due to improper keeping, the pledgee shall be liable for compensation.

质权人不行使的,出质人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖质押财产。Where the pledgee fails to do so, the pledgor may request the people's court to have the pledged property auctioned or sold.

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质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application.

因保管不善致使质物灭失或者毁损的,质权人应当承担民事责任。If he does not keep the pledgings properly so that the pledgings are extinct or damaged, the pledgee shall bear the civil liability.

应收账款出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。The pledged accounts receivable may not be transferred, unless otherwise agreed upon by the pledgor and the pledgee through consultation.