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机场被敌军占领。The airfield was seized by enemy troops.

花样飞行在机场上空,高度2000米。Aerobatic flights over airfield up to 2000m.

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这座博物馆位于一个机场的边缘。The Museum is located at the edge of the airfield.

一架大型民航班机将降落在这个飞机场。A large pass enger aircraft will land on the airfield.

让我们去飞机场一把火烧了我的飞机吧。Let's go out to the airfield and set my plane on fire.

这辆无轨电车在这儿衔接去机场的公共汽车。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.

那个飞行员因机场为浓雾笼罩而不能回来。The pilot could not return because the airfield had fogged up.

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汽车把外宾从机场送到旅馆。The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the hotel.

由美国空军关闭后,机场成为一个民用机场。Upon its closure by the USAF, the airfield became a civil airport.

从第一个机场造4架维护者,然后从第二机场造一个。Build 4 Vindicators from the first Airfield then one from the second.

汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house.

从飞机的窗口看去,布尔歇机场飞速地向后退去。Outside the window, Le Bourget Airfield dropped away with startling speed.

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图片显示歼-20战机在西南某机场滑行。The pictures showed the J-20 taxiing on an airfield in southwestern China.

警察们马上在停机场守候,并且仔细的盯着每一个人。The policemen keep guard at the airfield and watched every body carefully.

梅多伍德的居民区和机场的西南边缘接壤。The community of Meado Wood, adjoined the southwest limits of the airfield.

上百名影迷拥在停机坪上等待著名的影星。Hundreds of fans crowded onto the airfield to wait for the famous film atar.

我在拨通提彬先生的缩位号码,我正往布尔歇机场打电话。Teabing's speed dial numbers, and I'm on the phone with Le Bourget Airfield.

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本法所称民用机场不包括临时机场?。The civil airport referred to in this Law does not include temporary airfield.

机场助航灯调光器的全数字控制采用DSP实现。The total digital control of the light dimmer in the airfield is based on DSP.

在解放前,国民党政府甚至还在这里修建简易机场。Before liberation the Kuomingtang government once built a simple airfield here.