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让我列举你前提中的许多谬误。Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.

名目繁多不胜枚举。The names of items are too numerous to enumerate.

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这是不可能列举特别论文。It is impossible to enumerate the special treatises.

将项目再清点一遍以确保无遗漏。Enumerate the items again to be sure none is missing.

三光运行,纪以历数。Sanguang operation, discipline in order to enumerate.

将这作为枚举每个安全页面的模板。Use this as a template to enumerate each secure page.

现在,让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面。Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.

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我如何在多显示器系统中列出各个显示设备?How do I enumerate the display devices in a multi-monitor system?

人们进行了一些工作以列举简单的技术指导原则。Some effort has been made to enumerate simple technical guidelines.

人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。The heroic deeds of the people's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.

我父母是前嬉皮士,从来都不费心去列举家里的规矩。My parents are former hippies who never bothered to enumerate house rules.

建议明确地枚举这些逻辑标识。It is recommended, though, to enumerate the logical identifiers explicitly.

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本文胪列各期刊物,并作简要分析。We enumerate every kind of the publications, and make a brief analysis of them.

同样,您要做的是把您所知道的安全的列出来,然后禁止其他。Again, what you do is enumerate what you know is safe, and then forbid anything else.

您可以列举一组栏位值,出现在下拉式功能表中供使用者指定。You can enumerate a set of field values that a user can specify from a drop-down menu.

你用了好几章的篇幅,列举了不少事例,说明你觉得政府管的事情太多太多了。Chapter after chapter, you enumerate ways in which you think there's just too much government.

本文列举了一些含卤族元素的氧化剂对不同种类醇的选择性氧化实例。This article enumerate some Halogen-based oxidants and their some important applying examples.

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目前,俄罗斯真理报列举出20世纪最搞笑、最白痴的犯罪行为。At present, in the 20th century Russian Pravda newspaper enumerate the funniest, the crime of idiots.

能列举出术中冰冻切片诊断的适应症和局限性。Enumerate the indications and the limitations pertaining to intraoperative frozen section examinations.

对于列表中的每个目录,该脚本尝试枚举该目录中的可执行文件。For each directory in the list, the script attempts to enumerate the executable files in the directory.