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这是整枝的最好时节。It's the best time to prune.

那条欢乐的小尾巴需要剪除。That happy trail needs a prune.

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梅子、甜奶粉、食用香料等。The slivered prune with sweet creamy powder.

尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节。Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

删去你那文章中无关的细节。Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

剪枝时应修剪到健康、外向生长的花芽上方。Always prune to a healthy, outward-facing bud.

手推剪将帮助你修剪你的花园。Hand clippers will help you prune your garden.

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可爱的吉姆在六月天坐在沙丘上吃着话梅。Cute Jim sat on the dune eating a prune in June.

柳树和杨树应在夏末时修剪。Prune willow and poplar trees late in the summer.

我们的工作就是修剪这些树的侧枝。It is our job to prune the side branches of these trees.

在某个特定的点,然而,你不在需要修剪树木。At a certain point, though, you won't need to prune the tree.

如果你修剪树木修剪得太厉害以至把树弄死了,树木就会砰然倒下。Collapse occurs when you prune the tree so heavily that it dies.

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丹宁柔和,充满黑醋栗、李子和干蜜枣味道。Soft tannins texture with currants fruits, plum and dried prune.

他们可以出售这些树木,用得来的钱购买食物,以捱过坏年成。A lifeline to prune and sell for money to buy food in the bad years.

在浇头中加入剩下的1茶勺洋李汁和1茶勺醋。Add remaining 1 tablespoon prune juice and 1 teaspoon vinegar to pan.

酒体复杂葡萄酒,充满浓郁的黑醋栗、香料、黑松露和蜜枣味道。Complexity wine with intense black currant, spice, truffle and prune.

灵命的成长要靠你自己,但我将会修剪你,使你多结果子。You must grow on your own! But I will prune you to make you fruitful.

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丹宁柔和,充满李子、黑浆果和蜜枣口感。Soft tannins texture combined with dark plum, black berries and prune.

您可以遍历文档树、删除节点或者嫁接新节点。You can traverse the document tree, prune nodes, or graft on new ones.

可以研究一下怎样修剪蔷薇灌木,然后在自家院子里亲自实践一下。Research how to prune rosebushes and practice on the ones in your yard.