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胡有果断的作风。Hu has a decisive personality.

事在人为。Human effort is the decisive factor.

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它是果断的,也是赋有目的的。It is always decisive and purposeful.

拿破仑未能取得决定性白勺胜利。Napoleon had won no decisive victory.

晓梦爸爸妈妈果断否定了。Xiao dream mom and dad decisive denied.

阿比让的战斗将是决定性的。The battle for Abidjan will be decisive.

盖那先生请求采取果断行动。Mr Geithner appealed for decisive action.

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而且他们的反驳常常是带有决断性的。And so their rebuttals were often decisive.

含油率、油酸含量又共同决定油用品种等级。It is a decisive factor in the oil quality.

她很有主见,知道自己想要什麽。She's decisive and she knows what she wants.

最关键的是那恶鬼的来历。The background of that devil is most decisive.

敌人在决战中损失惨重。The enemy lost heavily in the decisive battle.

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绍达蒂在第55分钟的进球助客队拿到关键三分。Saudati's goal in the 55th minute was decisive.

这是我第一个决定性的锻炼阶段。This was the first decisive stage of my training.

决战欧洲才刚刚开始。The decisive battle for Europe had only just begun.

要果断,要么就按目标去做,要么就根本不动它。Be decisive. Do it on purpose-or don't do it at all.

毫无疑问,这位理财神甫是起了决定性作用的。The churchwarden had certainly played a decisive part.

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决定性进攻是从最前沿阵地开始的。The decisive attack took off fromthe foremost position.

一旦掌握了这件事的全部真相,我们将采取果断的行动。Once we have the full facts we will take decisive action.

亚修拉果断分歧意去参与他们的婚礼。The seurat decisive differences in mind to their wedding.