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什么是规定动作?What are the required dives?

我们将会进行岸潜和船潜。We will do both shore and boat dives.

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这是门将扑向左路时的情况That's if the goalie dives to the left.

向前跳水是规定动作之一。Forward dive is one of the voluntary dives.

然后把骨头交到我手里,就又去翻他的袋子。He hands me the face, dives back into his bag.

巨头鲸潜入水中时,身体会发生什么变化?What body changes occur when the sperm whale dives?

汤米开枪了,但是没有击中,海豹潜入冰洞中消失了。He misses. The seal dives into his ice hole and is gone.

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如果门将扑向右边中路反而不如左路了It has as lower payoff if the goalie dives to the right.

他潜进陈府,在自己以前的房间发现了丫头。He dives into the Chen Fu, found a girl in his former room.

当我在潜水的时候,我看到了海龟,鲨鱼和大鱼。I saw turtles, sharks, and huge fish while I was on my dives.

猎鹰、翠鸟和许多海鸟利用俯冲出击来擒拿猎物。Falcons, kingfishers and many seabirds use dives to attack prey.

随着她遁入海浪而消失在她的脑海。They are nowhere in her thoughts as she dives beneath the waves.

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而如今,随着她遁入海浪,我们也消失在她的脑海。Now we're nowhere in her thoughts as she dives beneath the waves.

今天,拉古娜酒店的潜水中心依然处于运营状态。Today our dive centre is still bring many guests for their dives.

顾名思义,钓鱼郎是天生的捕鱼者,懂得潜进水中捕捉猎物。Kingfisher is built to fish. It dives into water to catch its prey.

人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。It is believed that the sperm whale dives deeper than any other cetacean.

布鲁尼还深入挖掘了一些非名校的公立大学的亮点。Bruni also dives deep to offer some surprises on non-elite public schools.

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你以为她想去游泳,让水淹到她的头顶上吗?Do you fancy that she has any desire to float on the water and take dives?

她开着一辆很好的车,穿着很酷的衣裳,总是有朋友围在身边。She dives a nice car, wears cool clothes and always has friends around her.

没准可以辉煌到大上南极,或者潜进海沟。Perhaps may magnificently to big on South Pole, or dives the oceanic trench.