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这里是塞拉达莱巴,安哥拉的地标。This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola.

在你的维持阶段中,你可以在撒拉咏赞上放置一个词句指示物。During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Serra 's Hymn.

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塞拉·费雷尔迄今为止已用过27名球员,其中13人有进球。Serra Ferrer has used 27 of his players thus far and 13 of these have scored.

接着,谢拉深刻说明了国际外交思维扭曲的本性Serra then gives an insight into the mind-bending nature of international diplomacy

在一七八四年,朱尼珀洛塞拉圣卡洛斯任务死于结核病。In seventeen eighty-four, Junipero Serra died of tuberculosis at mission San Carlos.

这些照片是在残骸中的一台卡西欧相机里发现的。These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains in Serra do Cachimbo.

在1776年由神父朱尼珀洛塞拉创立,它被认为是美国加州布道所的一颗明珠。Founded In 1776 By Father Junipero Serra , It Is Considered The Jewel Of The California Missions.

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在里面有一个画着一个有两只蓝眼睛和苍金色夹因条纹发色的女人。Inside was a painted likeness of a woman with big blue eyes and pale golden hair streaked by silver. "Serra."

葡萄牙中部山区发生严重森林大火,800多名消防员正全力灭火。More than 800 firefighters in Portugal are tackling big wildfires in Serra do Caramulo, a hilly central region.

在位于加州圣马特奥的塞拉高中,二年级学生邦兹的棒球生涯始于中外场,在三个赛季中的安打率是0.404。At Serra High School in San Mateo, Calif., Bonds started in center field as a sophomore and batted .404 in three seasons.

然而,其他专家说,朱尼珀洛塞拉要求祭司和士兵尊重对待印第安人。However, other experts say that Junipero Serra demanded that the priests and soldiers treat the Native Americans with respect.

周日,在塞拉赢得胜利的圣保罗州,支持罗赛芙的选民说他们对罗赛芙缺乏经验并不担心。Voters who supported her in São Paulo, where Mr. Serra won, said Sunday that they were willing to look past her lack of experience.

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塞拉达莱巴,是安哥拉的一个标志性景观,几十年来在这个国家的明信片上一直占有一席之地,但是其影像均摄于白天。This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola. It has been one of the country's postcard images for decades, but all shots were taken by day.

她隶属于葡萄牙首都里斯本管辖的小镇辛特拉,同时也形成了辛特拉小镇最西边的锯齿状海岸延伸。The cape is in the Portuguese municipality of Sintra, west of Lisbon district, and also forms the westernmost extent of the Serra de Sintra.

方法以溪黄草无菌苗的带节茎为外植体,采用MT基本培养基,附加不同植物激素进行试验。Methods The explants used for culture were stem segments with node from I. serra. The media were MT basal media containing different plant hormones.

朱尼珀洛塞拉出生在一七一三年在马略卡岛,西班牙岛。后,他成了一个方济神父,他曾在马略卡岛的一家大学。Junipero Serra was born in seventeen thirteen on the island of Mallorca, Spain. After he became a Franciscan priest, he taught at a university in Mallorca.

朱尼珀洛塞拉负责建设的九项任务负责。其中之一是团圣卡洛斯博罗密欧卡梅隆里奥目前在迦密的城市。Junipero Serra was responsible for building nine of the missions. One of these was Mission San Carlos Borromeo del Rio Carmelo in the present city of Carmel.

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在1960年代,由艾伦卡普洛和小野洋子艺术家安迪沃霍尔和理查德塞拉停止了“艺术”,因为它已被认为自文艺复兴时期。During the 1960s, artists from Alan Kaprow and Yoko Ono to Andy Warhol and Richard Serra stopped making "art" as it has been thought of since the Renaissance.

分析人士称,罗塞夫和塞拉预计将在接下来的4周拉票时间里,就各自的施政纲领展开进一步阐述。Analysts said they expect the next 4 weeks of campaigning to force both Rousseff and Serra to provide more details about the policies they would enact if elected.

有一个故事说,鸟儿已经因为在海上风暴迟到一次。大家都同意,朱尼珀洛塞拉会喜欢的斯特拉努美丽的燕子。One story says the birds have been late only once because of a storm at sea. Everyone agrees that Junipero Serra would have loved the beautiful swallows of Capistrano.