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这是一个独特的形态的博阿压缩。This is a distinct morph of boa constrictor.

传统的音乐播放器早晚也会变成电脑。In time, these players, too, will morph into computers.

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这种设备将能很容易地从研发部门走向实际制造。Instruments will morph easily from R&D to manufacturing.

变身与牌面朝下的永久物之规则会如常适用之。The rules for morph and face-down permanents apply to it normally.

2010年,电视将越来越像放在卧室的计算机,电视产业将这种新型电视称为智能电视或连网电视。TVs will continue to morph into living room-based computers in 2010.

最后,这个区别警告我们进取心也可以坠入贪婪中。Finally, this distinction warns that enterprise can morph into greed.

关于如何进行的指示“变身”一琶音,以适应任何风格的音乐。Instructions on How to "morph" an Arpeggio to Fit any Style of Music.

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如果你真去做了,那会花去大量的时间,并且会使你正在做的事情“变形”。If you implemented X it would take a ton of time and morph what you’re doing.

当一团原始细胞群发育成为一个精巧的器官后,它们便不再继续生长了。As they morph from a clutch of cells to an elaborate system, organs stop growing.

我们运用了新的皮肤变形修改器去做皱褶的变形。We applied the new modifier Skin Morph to correct the deformations in the pleats.

本文系统地论述了床板珊瑚形珊瑚的数值分类研究。This paper discusses the numerical taxonomy of tabulate morph corals systematically.

它不再需要改变本身来适应关系环境。No longer does it need to morph its identity in order to fit into the relational world.

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在拼写中被称为形素变体的形式形成了词素。What occurs is an orthographic form in writing termed "morph" which realizes the morpheme.

另一个被Heroku和Morph实验室所推崇的重要特性是无痛部署。Another important feature Heroku and Morph Labs accentuate is the painless deployment you get.

主要发生为害世代为第一代,并主要以第一代成虫越冬,成为次年发生的重要虫源。The overwintering morph is the adult of first generation and which is the source of next year.

它的6个RISC处理器能提供不同的编程模式,重新配置数据流。Its six RISC processors can morph into different programming modes for reconfigurable data flow.

随着时间的推移,事物渐渐成长变化,尤其是取决于电脑科技的那些事物。Over time things naturally grow and morph. Especially things that depend on computer technology.

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这是一张合成脸,或者成为“变体”,由八位正常小脚女性的脸形组合而成。It is a composite face, or "morph", made from the faces of eight women with unusually small feet.

一些昆虫种类,如蚜虫,出现无翅个体,被称为无翅型。In some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph.

在冬天的时候,你很容易忽视你的脚,知道他们变成史瑞克似的怪物。In the winter months, it’s easy to ignore your feet until they morph into a Shrek-like monstrosity.