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红色的黄晶那就更加稀有了。A red topaz is a rarity.

美琴不可能赢下黄玉项链。Mikoto can't win Topaz. Oh well.

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黄晶通常产于火成岩岩石纹。Topaz occurs in the igneous rock rhyolite.

世界上大多数之黄水晶是白色或蓝色之。Most of the world's topaz is white or blue.

世界上大多数的黄水晶是白色或蓝色的。Most of the world’s topaz is white or blue.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。I was born in November, so my birthstone is Topaz.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。Mine is Topaz which is the birthstone of November.

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我爱你并不因为你是朵玫瑰,或是宝石I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz

金黄色的黄玉品种非常罕见。The golden variety of precious topaz is quite uncommon.

黄水晶的价值很大程度上取决于其品质,但颜色也很重要。The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality.

一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体。A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.

那是一张人的面孔,可却有着猫一般的残酷的、犹如黄玉般的眼睛。It had the face of a man, but the merciless topaz eyes of a cat.

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令人惊奇的是,不看肤色,很多人竟然有托帕蓝色的眼睛。Regardless of skin color, a surprising number have topaz blue eyes.

一种扩散处理黄玉近期在珠宝市场上面市。A variety of the diffused topaz is discovered in gem markets recently.

黄水晶和黄玉诞生石戒指来在不同的形状和大小。Citrine and topaz birthstone rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

这款胸针表面镀金,上面镶嵌不同颜色的水晶珠。Gold-plated brooch with bow design set in Light Colorado Topaz crystal pavé.

他赞赏地品定托帕斯说,“多么好看的纵帆船呀!”He appraised the Topaz with admiration. " Nice looking schooner you got there."

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黄水晶宝石价值不菲。珠宝商把这种石头称为“黄玉”。Gem topaz is valuable. Jewelers call this variety of the stone "precious topaz".

清代重白玉,尤尚羊脂白玉,黄玉极少,也受到爱重。Qing heavy white, especially white tallow yet, topaz few, have also been re-love.

这些白色或蓝色的黄玉晶体很大,常常有数千克拉重。The white and blue crystals of topaz are large, often weighing thousands of carats.