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指示是语用学研究的一个重要课题。Deixis play an important role in pragmatics.

指示语是语用学的重要内容。Deixis is an important content of pragmatics.

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指示是人类语言的普遍现象。Deixis is a universal phenomenon in human languages.

指示现象是语用学研究的重要课题之一。Deixis is one of the core research areas in pragmatics.

指示现象是语用学研究的基本课题之一。Deixis is one of the basic subjects in the study of pragmatics.

指示语一直是哲学家、语言学家和逻辑学家感兴趣的话题。Deixis has been of great interest to philosophers, linguists and logicians.

最后,对心理动机的顺应同样影响着社交指示。Finally, psychological motivations also wield a great influence on social deixis.

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指示语是语言和语境的关系在语言结构中的反映。Deixis is reflection of relation of language and context in the language structure.

他们把指示归入外指的范畴,将回指归入内指。They classified deixis into the category of exophora and anaphora in- to endophora.

而指示语作为语用学中的一个重要内容反映的正是话语和语境的关系。Deixis , as an important content, reflects the relation between utterance and context.

指示语的语用翻译基于对源语指示信息的正确理解。The pragmatic translation of deixis rests on understanding the deictic information in SL.

指示现象是语言和语境关系最明显、最直接的反映。Deixis reflects the most obvious and direct relation between the language and the context.

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朝鲜语指示词在实际语言运用当中不仅有指示功能,还有话语标记功能。In everyday use, demonstratives in Korean have both deixis and discourse marking functions.

指示语是理解语言表达意思的关键。Without deixis , it is almost impossible to understand the meaning of any stretch of language.

自我中心特性是指示语的基本特性,是理解指示信息的重要出发点。Egocentricity is a basic feature of deixis. It is very important in getting deictic information.

社交指示语的权势内涵在不同的文化中遵循不同的规约性原则。The power of social deixis is based on different principles of conventionality in various cultures.

指示语与称呼语作为语言单位,同样具有“以言指事”的这些功能。As the unit of language, person deixis and vocatives also have the functions of 'illocutionary act'.

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通过典例说明了在指示语境中指示词语的具体用法。It has also illustrated through the typical examples the concrete usage of the deixis in the deictic context.

对这一指示投射现象,传统的研究没有给予令人信服的解释。Traditional accounts of deixis cannot provide a convincing explanation for this phenomenon of deictic projection.

本文试图从语用学“时间指示”的角度,分析虚拟条件中谓语动词使用过去时态的原理。This paper attempts to explain the use of past tense in the subjunctive clause from the perspective of temporal deixis.