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——有时还会温习并仔细分析别人的主题演讲。sometimes revisits and dissects the keynotes of others.

仪式则包括乔布斯的主旨讲话和产品推出前扣人心弦的宣传造势。The rituals include Mr. Jobs's keynotes and breathless build-ups to product launches.

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在关于这本书的一张音频CD里面,贾巴尔还着重写了在30年代黑人的道路。In an audio CD about the book, Abdul-Jabbar keynotes the way it was for blacks in the 1930s.

本文对几次在线访谈、第一天和第二天的早间会议,以及新闻发布会进行了总结。This post summarizes various live interviews and the day 1 and 2 morning keynotes and press conferences.

她是一个作家经常发表介绍,讲座和商务礼仪的各个方面基调。She is a frequently published author who presents workshops, seminars and keynotes on all aspects of business etiquette.

老实说,他的基调是很技术性的,因为他声称的基调,不时他是一名工程师。To be honest, his keynotes was quite technical, as he claimed during the keynotes from time to time, that he was an engineer.

他在重要讲话中不止一次的提到过他们,而且在保罗•麦卡特尼的音乐会上接受过采访。He has referenced them on more than one occasion at Keynotes and also was interviewed on a showing of a Paul McCartney concert.

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在布赖恩的基调,当然,与往常一样,他声称的每件事是模拟的,他还告诉观众一个笑话。In Brian' keynotes , of course, as always, he claimed that nowadays everything is analog, and he also told the audience a joke.

这也可能是因为我经常给领导阶层做主题报告,并且我已经45岁了,已经变成一个足够自信、性格外向的人。Maybe it's because I make a living giving keynotes on leadership and at 45 have grown to be a very confident, extroverted person.

在08年国务卿赖斯在其中一场下午的关键发言中为布什政府的表现作出了一场语调高昂毫无悔意的辩护。In 2008, Condoleezza Rice gave a full-throated, unapologetic defense of the Bush administration's record in one of the afternoon keynotes.

苹果的产品以及乔布斯的个性特点赋予他一种庄严感,而正是这种庄严感使得其主题演讲成为大事,而他本人则成为人们的焦点。Apple's products, along with Jobs' personality traits, are what gave him the gravitas that made his keynotes Momentous Events, with all eyes on Steve.

探讨和准确把握这一思想的基本内涵,对我们今天弘扬民族精神、增强民族凝聚力必将有所助益。Expounding and grasping the keynotes of those thoughts is bound to be favorable for us to carry out our national spirit and enhance national cohesion.

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一句话,尽管在CES作主题演讲的大腕济济一堂,姓名以粗体显示的贵宾高朋满座,其实真正决定展会导向的人物却并没有露面。In short, despite CES's parade of CEO keynotes and bold-faced name guests, the man who did the most to shape the show was the one who wasn't there at all.

在这次活动中,来自非传统通信供应商的高管们也作了重要演讲,如亚马逊电子商务网的首席技术官和维京娱乐集团的首席执行官等。The event keynotes included executives from non-traditional communications providers, such as the CTO of online retailer Amazon and the CEO of Virgin Entertainment Group.

这标志着国际航运界开始将预防事故、保障船舶安全营运的重点由严格技术标准转向加强管理。This indicated the international maritime community had shift the keynotes of the vessel's safe operation from maintaining strict technical standards to emphasizing management.

指出了助染性丙烯酸树脂复鞣剂及改性丙烯酸树脂复鞣剂将在该类材料今后发展中有着广阔的前景。We calculated that acrylic resin with assistant-dyeing property and acrylic resin modified would be one of the developing keynotes in retanning agents of acrylic resin in future.