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到我给宝宝喂奶的时候了。It's time to suckle my baby.

结肠炎可以喝羊奶吗?Can colonitis drink a sheep to suckle?

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让他们吮吸吧——放开身心快乐于此,女士。Let them suckle -- and do enjoy it, ladies.

一个人的成长就像牛用脚踢一头想哺乳的小牛一样。It is like a cow kicking a grown calf that wants to suckle.

当被喂养时,他们伸出舌头拼命地去吮吸。When they nurse they suckle desperately, thrusting out their tongue.

如果母猪无法充分哺乳的垃圾,培养是必要的。If sows can't adequately suckle their litters, fostering is necessary.

他告诉我们,这只小狗多半会死去,因为它无法吸奶。He told us that the puppy would die mainly because it could not suckle.

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垂死的“丑丑”忍受着巨大的痛楚,正努力舔我的耳朵。Ugly, in so much pain and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear.

他们指责我,并对我说,不许再让小孩吃母牛的奶水了。They blame me and have told me not to allow him to suckle from the cow anymore.

小宝贝儿在深水里依靠在妈妈背上,会游到水下去喝奶。Calfs rest on their mother's back when in deep water and swim underwater to suckle

丑八怪,正背负着极大的痛苦、煎熬,甚至是濒临的死亡,竟在尝试着吸吮我的耳朵。Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear.

胎儿需要在母亲的子宫里生长,而婴儿需要通过母乳来喂养。The fetus needs to grow inside the mother’s womb, and the infant needs to suckle at her breast.

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胎儿需要在母亲的子宫内成长,婴儿需要吮吸母亲的乳汁。‘The foetus needs to grow inside the mother’s womb, and the infant needs to suckle at her breast.

兔妈妈让他不要老缠着妈妈吃奶,他已经能够自己去吃些别的东西啦。Mother rabbit told him that he was old enough to eat other food, but not keep pestering her to suckle.

而第一口母乳对于弥补仔猪非常微量的能力储备,为仔猪提供获得性免疫非常重要。The first suckle is as important to refuel its very meagre energy reserves as to provide acquired immunity.

分娩的时候,母犬会忙于清洁犬仔,给犬仔保温,让它们吃奶。At the time of birth, the new mother will be busy cleaning her puppies, warming them, and allowing them to suckle.

小猪在哺乳期间,经过头两天吃乳后,它们就有了自己固定的奶头来吸取奶汁。Young piglets at feeding time. After the first two days of life, piglets have their own teatlet that they suckle from.

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这名教师承认强迫学生吮吸她的胸脯,但没有说出为什么要这样做。The teacher allegedly admitted forcing the children to suckle her breasts but could not give reasons why she had done so.

袋獾是浑身覆盖毛皮但没有真正胎盘的有袋目哺乳动物-母亲用袋子携带并哺乳幼儿。Devils are furry marsupials, mammals that have no true placentas — females usually have pouches to carry and suckle newborns.

这种哺乳动物的显著特点是不同寻常的繁殖周期,每18个月一次,并且要给幼儿海狮哺乳一年半.The mammal is distinguished by an unusual breeding cycle that occurs every 18 months and has pups suckle for a year and a half.