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或有费用是自愿性的关键。Contingencies are the key to voluntariness.

积极礼让的基本特征是它的自愿性。The basic feature of positive comity is its voluntariness.

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他诉讼相比,仲裁具有自愿性、独立性的特点。Compared with judicial act, arbitration is characteristic of voluntariness and independence.

在本体论意义上,“仁”具有人道主义、平等意识、人的自觉之价值。With regard to ontology, benevolence embodies such value as humanism, awareness of equality, and voluntariness.

调整必需遵循自愿、公平的原则,不患上强迫。Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed.

美国高等教育认证制度具有独立性、公正性、权威性和自愿性等性质特点。USA's accreditation institution of higher education has characteristics of independency, justness, authority and voluntariness.

第八十八条调解达成协议,必须双方自愿,不得强迫。Article 88 A conciliation agreement must be based on voluntariness of both parties, and shall not be reached through compulsion.

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人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。A peoples conciliation committee shall conduct conciliation in accordance with legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness.

人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。The People's Conciliation Committees shall conduct all mediations according to legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness.

人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。A people's mediation committee shall conduct mediation in accordance with the provisions of the law and based on the principle of voluntariness.

为了使华联会能更好的举办活动,为大家提供更优质的服务,我们热切的希望您的投入和赞助。In order to enrich the programs and events of WCCA and provide you with the high quality services, we are very anxious for your voluntariness and contribution.

第三条捐献人体器官实行自愿、无偿的原则,禁止以任何方式买卖人体器官。Article 3 The principles of voluntariness and gratuitousness shall apply to the human organ donation, and it is prohibited to trade in human organs by any means.

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有些学校片面强调开展群体活动就是靠学生自觉自愿,忽视了对群体活动的行政管理和思想教育工作。Some schools put undue emphasis on the students' voluntariness in developing the mass sports activities, ignoring the important role of administration and education.

第四条产权交易应遵循自愿诚信、平等竞争、等价互利及公平、公正的原则。Article 4 The transaction of titles shall abide by the principles of voluntariness and good faith, equal competition, equal value and mutual benefit, justice and fairness.

第八十五条人民法院审理民事案件,根据当事人自愿的原则,在事实清楚的基础上,分清是非,进行调解。Article 85 In handling civil cases, the people's court may distinguish between right and wrong and mediate disputes according to the principle of parties' voluntariness and based on clear facts.

第四条中介活动应当遵循公开、公正、诚实信用和公平竞争、规范服务、自愿有偿的原则。The principles of publicity, justice, honesty and credibility as well as fair competition, standardized services, voluntariness and onerousness shall be complied with in intermediary activities.

凡是违反平等自愿、协商一致原则签订的劳动合同,不仅不具有法律效力,而且还应承担一定的法律责任。Any violation of equality, voluntariness and the principle of consensus to sign the labor contract, not only do not have the force of law, but also assume a certain degree of legal responsibility.

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人民法院审理民事案件,应当根据自愿和合法的原则进行调解,调解不成的,应当及时判决。In civil proceedings, the People's Court shall promote mediation in accordance with the principle of voluntariness and legitimacy, a court decision shall be made promptly when mediation has failed.

储蓄机构办理储蓄业务,必须遵循“存款自愿,取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密”的原则。In handling savings businesses, savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing, freedom of withdrawal, interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors.

调解时,应当遵循当事人双方自愿原则,并应当依据本条例的规定计算赔偿数额。Such mediation shall be in compliance with the principle of voluntariness of both parties concerned, and the amount of compensation shall be computed according to the provisions of these Regulations.