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牛角面包很新鲜又薄而易剥。The croissants were fresh and flaky.

菲利普巳经48岁,而且受头皮屑的困扰。Philip's 48 and has a flaky scalp problem.

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我有片状皮肤干燥是如此令人沮丧。I have dry flaky skin that is so frustrating.

生煎馒头底酥,肉香,皮薄。The bread was flaky and savory with thin skin.

是否有干燥,片状或色斑?Does it have dry, flaky patches or discolorations?

抢盐恐慌由片状谣言合流而引发。It was triggered by a confluence of flaky rumours.

我总是能发现一些奇怪的美国人,And I kind of tend to find American people really flaky

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战场上,我有那些生死与共的兄弟朋友们。Back there, I had all these flaky guys who were my friends.

自选牛角包,丹麦甜包或黄油松糕配以果酱,黄油。Flaky Croissants, Danish Pastries or Muffins with Preserves.

这些问题是什么呢?,磁盘驱动非常的脆弱。So what are those problems, disk drives were completely flaky.

最明显的就是使我们的皮肤干裂剥落。One of the most obvious effects is chapped skin and flaky skin.

羊角面包是一种轻软易碎的点心或面包。A croissant is a type of pastry or bread that is light and flaky.

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焗饭、酥皮汤是店内的招牌。The casserole and the flaky crust soup are the house specialties.

Spnako皮塔饼是一种包有菠菜和羊奶奶酪的酥皮馅饼。Spanakopita is a flaky pastry filled with spinach and feta cheese.

表面不应过薄,且气孔深度不应超过1厘米。Surface should not be flaky and pores should not be deeper than 1 cm.

这些活性成分有助于减少头皮碎屑和头皮屑的发生。These active ingredients are beneficial for treating flaky scalps and dandruff.

头皮屑可以遗传,但什么原因导致了片状东西的产生还是一个谜。Dandruff can be hereditary, but it's still a mystery what causes the flaky stuff.

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PVD法是目前制备纳米片状铝粉的主要方法。PVD process is an important method for manufacturing flaky aluminium nano powder.

皮肤不应该油腻或片状,并且它不应该有任何痛处或团。The skin should not be oily or flaky , and it should not have any sores or lumps.

For三氯乙烷的皮肤可能会变成棕色,感觉乾燥,片状和剥离了数天。For "Brown" has become a "feeling" of the skin, dry and flaky and peel a few days.