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爱神曾造访过一位希腊少女。Love visited a Grecian maid.

少年不再,惟余水仙。A jonquil, not a Grecian lad.

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把尼罗河从希腊的束缚中解救出来!Free the Nile from the Grecian yoke!

我怎么知道希腊的历史?What do I know of the grecian affair?

具有爱希腊和爱希腊的事情特点的。Characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things.

那时它富有魅力,像古希腊艺术那样是圆满的、完整的和匀称的。A glamor to it --a perfection , a symmetry like Grecian art.

利用古希腊的单肩设计,便可以轻而易举的成功。Such may be easily achieved with a Grecian one-shoulder design.

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她将拥有一个希腊式鼻子,还是要个玫瑰花瓣似的翘鼻头?Will she have a grecian nose or one tip-tilted like petal of rose?

在希腊部落和拉丁部落中,这些宗教仪式占有突出的地位。Among the grecian and latin tribes these rites held a conspicuous position.

你们对希腊人的诡计知道得还不够吗?Have you not learned enough of Grecian fraud to be on your guard against it?

古希腊艺术总是被当作古代世界的一种最优秀的艺术。Grecian arts have always been regarded as the best of all arts in the ancient world.

一天夜晚,伊莎多拉和她的一个哥哥在一个小园里披着他们的希腊面纱翩然起舞。Then one night Isadora and one of her brothers were dancing in their Grecian veils in a small garden.

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在雅典的山丘上,伊莎多拉召集了一班希腊小男孩跟在自己身边,教他们跳舞。In the Athenian hills Isadora gathered a class of small Grecian boys about her. She taught them dances.

“希腊古瓮颂”展示了永恒的艺术与短暂的人类热情之间的对比。"Ode on an Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion.

那些唯利是图的可恶希腊人,君王的钱币在他们的口袋里咣咣作响,他们还洗劫了索贝克神庙,杀了所有的牧师。Those damn Grecian mercenaries, the King's coins jangling in their pockets, sacked the temple of Sobek and killed all the priests.

连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face.

希腊爱神与中国敦煌菩萨作为两个不同国度、不同类型的女神,是中西方各自女性的理想形象。Chinese Dunhuang Buddha And Grecian Cupid who are ideal images of Chinese and Western woman regard as distinct goddesses of two nations.

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我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。I had been told, but would not credit it , that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha.

轻巧舒展模式球衣的标志性的转变礼服,重新诠释与意识液,女性的希腊风格启发的身体悬垂。The iconic shift dress is reinterpreted in lightweight stretch modal jersey with body-conscious draping inspired by fluid, feminine Grecian styles.

古罗马艺术大体上延续了希腊传统,在雕塑与绘画的题材内容、表现形式等方面竞相模仿希腊艺术。Roman art generally follows Grecian tradition, competes to imitate Grecian art in the aspects of sculpture, drawing's subject matter, forms and so on.