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她色迷迷地瞟了卡罗一眼。She threw Carlo a sultry glance.

晚上还是和白天一样地闷热。The night was as sultry as the day.

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酷夏时天气非常闷热。In scorching summer it's very sultry.

方兴玉是不会在湿热的夏天做毛豆腐的。Fang will not make hairy tofu in the sultry summer.

天气如此潮湿难耐以至于他们没剩多少精力。The day was so sultry that they had little energy left.

冗长的光阴像是一条阴晦湿润的闷热洞穴。The long time is a darkness moist sultry cavern likely.

夏天非常燠热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don"t like it."

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她沙哑的声音和弹吉他时那性感的方式令人着迷。Her smoky voice and sultry guitar playing has us all hooked.

每周六的龙吧都是拉丁聚会的天堂。Every Saturday Loong Bar transforms into a sultry Latin club.

性感,闷热而友好的穿紧身露肩红色迷你连衣裙。Sexy, sultry but friendly wearing tight strapless red mini dress.

我们都爱布鲁诺·马尔斯迷人的歌词和勾人的眼神。We love Bruno Mars for his charming lyrics and that sultry stare.

而杜嘉班纳产品主打性感套装和蕾丝裙。Dolce & Gabbana sent out a sultry ensemble of suits and lace dresses.

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当然,除了安妮·班克罗夫特的风骚的罗宾逊太太。With an exception, of course, for Anne Bancroft's sultry Mrs. Robinson.

她是个高挑的白人布鲁斯歌手,也是个吉他手,身材修长,性感火辣。She was a tall white blues singer and guitar player, funky, lanky and sultry.

岂知你的周遭只剩下势力的毒,傲慢的香,撩人也杀人的芬芳。Around your forces only drugs, arrogance, Shannon, also killing sultry fragrance.

潜入撩人的芬芳的花朵生长在古老的森林深处。Dive into the sultry fragrance of the flowers growing deep in the age-old forest.

它可能是一件性感内衣,一件撩人的夏装,或是你钟爱的紧身牛仔裤。It could be some sexy lingerie, a sultry summer dress or your favorite skinny jeans.

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这些场景和美国的其它任何地方别无二致,只有闷热无比的天气显示这里弗吉尼亚,美国的南部地区。Only the sultry heat betrays that you are in Virginia and thus in the American South.

闷热渐渐地过去,而记忆由清灵灵的雨声,叩开一扇扇沉睡的门。Sultry slowly past, and memory by the Qing Ling rain, a fan of the sleeping door open.

“和”黑暗中的舞蹈“拉丁节奏的轻飘荡闷热的恋情。"Besame Mucho" and "Dancing in the Dark" are sultry romances wafted on light Latin beats.