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但不要劳神去这家公司找工作了。But don't bother to apply fora job there.

那我来中国的年头儿也不短了。Well, I've been in China also fora long time.

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就像在针眼里找蜗牛。Like looking fora snail in a needle. Or summat.

不过你恐怕得撑一个星期的拐杖才行。But I am afraid you have touse crutch fora week.

蛇爸爸和蛇儿子滑动出去过一个美好的下午。Afather and son snakeare out fora nice afternoon slither.

欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as fora ge and cover crops.

她以非凡的技巧应用当地媒体和公共论坛。She used local media and public fora with exceptional skill.

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在为一些创业型公司工作一段时间后,2002年她决定建立“万里路”。After working fora few start-ups, she decided to set up Wanlilu in 2002.

当前流行的是讨论建立新机构,或建立新的全球性治理论坛。The vogue is to talk of new institutions or new fora for global governance.

让我真实在实地活着吧,我的上帝。这样,死对我也就成了真实的了。Let me live truly, my Lord, mbt fora goretex shoes, so that death to me become true.

当我在校园溜达的时候,这些舒适和时尚产生碰撞的服装是我的首选。I would love to wear these fora dash of comfort and style when I have to trek around campus.

两毛五绰绰有余,还能剩下几分钱招待你们,你不爱吃酸橙吗?A quarter would more than do it, and leave a few cents over fora treat for you. Don't you like limes?

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真的令人难以置信,那里的妇女谁也够不上高升的资格。It's really hard to believe that they'venever had even one woman lawyer qualified fora top spot there.

在假日快结束时,各个团体会聚集在一起,举行盛筵,享受许多独特的美味。Near the end of the holiday the community gathers fora feast and enjoys many original culinary dishes.

“我们彼此折磨了很长一段时间……”他语速越来越快,接着停了下来。“We’ve sort of been torturing each other fora long time—” He’s talking faster and faster and then he stops.

事实上,裁谈会目前难以做到的,在其他已有论坛或新的论坛框架内,也是难以做到或不具实质性意义的。As a matter of fact, what cannot be achieved in the CD will hardly be achievable in other existing or future fora.

对一台带冷却夹套或盘管的储罐来说,必须考虑冷却剂流量损耗导致的液体汽化。Fora tank with a cooling jacket or coils , liquid vaporization as a result of the loss of coolant flow must be considered.

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我们已经同意在亚太经合组织和其他论坛进行跨TPP的四个新的,跨领域问题纳入工作的基础上。We have agreed to build on work being done in APEC and other fora by incorporating across the TPP four new, cross-cutting issues.

一个解决方案是建立一个让科学家、实践者、决策者和基层做决定的人进行讨论的论坛。One solution is to establish fora for dialogue between scientists, practitioners, policymakers and decision-makers at the grassroots.

公开信中说到气候变化将会导致未知的灾难,而我们不采取行动是让我们的星球走向毁灭。"Fora problem as potentially catastrophic as climate change, taking noaction poses a dangerous risk for our planet, " the letter says.