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你真好强,我喜欢。You're feisty ! I like that.

一个好拚斗的女孩子时常赢争吵。A feisty girl always wins arguments.

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队友佐藤琢磨完成了一场活跃的比赛。Team mate Takuma Sato drove a feisty race.

景甜是个精力足够充沛的女指挥官。Tian Jing is a feisty enough female commander.

而再看最后一眼,资本主义似乎和原来一样生龙活虎。And on the last sighting, capitalism appeared as feisty asever.

他说他很有竞争力,很好强,而且不退缩。He said he was competitive and feisty and he did not back down.

在最后一瞥中,资本主义显得生机如前。And on the last sighting, capitalism appeared as feisty as ever.

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一位火爆脾气的老太太给供电公司打电话要个检修工。A feisty old lady had to call the electric company for a repairman.

这个活跃而可靠的机器人是伦德的副驾驶和后援。The feisty yet reliable droid served as Rendar's co-pilot and backup.

如今,美国人对这个塑料娃娃的酷爱之情也似乎即将结束。Barbie is feeling the heat from rival brands such as feisty "Bratz" dolls.

说,“但是他一直都很好强也很上进,所以我知道只要他长大,他就会变得很好。”He was always feisty and competitive, so I thought if he grew, he could be good.

你可以在发怒的傅满洲与马格纳姆、暧昧的穆斯塔法与卓别林以及大胆的莫里斯与波洛中自由选择。choose between feisty fu-magnum, ambigues mustafa-chaplin and cheeky maurice-poirot!

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他在影片里显得争强好辩,烦躁不安,可是当他想要说「无药可救」时,却几乎语不成声。He was feisty in the video, though his voice gave out when he tried to say “incurable”.

积极防守让这支球队凭借联盟排名第10的进攻攀升到联盟最好的66胜。Feisty D allowed the team with the league's 10th-best offense to roar to a league-best 66 wins.

一只科多巨兽很少被训练成为坐骑,由于过于庞大和活跃而成为一个象征性地坐骑。A kodo beast is rarely trained as a mount, being too big and feisty to be trained as a typical mount.

更多的好消息的活跃司机的是,悬挂系统的运动调校给予坚定的车程。More good news for the feisty driver is that the suspension system is sport- tuned to give a firmer ride.

其他由不安分的年轻恒星的高温星风所激起的涟漪点缀在巴纳德星系的各处。Other similar ripples of heated matter thrown out by feisty young stars are dotted across Barnard's Galaxy.

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尽管库普切克失去了签约拉加贝尔的机会,但是他很快发现并签下了巴恩斯。Though Kupchak swung and missed in his pursuit of the feisty Raja Bell, he quickly recovered by landing Barnes.

更糟糕的是,根据名气来评级会让名校成绩下滑,而让那些充满活力的新兴学校生存困难。Worst of all, ranking by reputation allows famous places to coast along, while making life hard for feisty upstarts.

这要求他们能够在比赛后段也有所爆发,或者解决他们总是失去大比分领先优势的问题,或者比较活跃的后卫能够多点突破。Require some late burst or having to overcome giving up a big lead or some feisty guards continually driving the lane.