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用行动捐助。Donation by Action.

捐款箱在哪?Whereis the donation box?

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提升大众对器官捐赠的认受性。To promote organ donation.

但我们寻求了建议捐款。But we ask for suggested donation.

我的丈夫和我捐助了她。My husband and I made the donation.

这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?Or was the panda donation a gimmick?

通过Kiva捐助帮助一名企业家。Help an entrepreneur with aKiva donation.

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通过Kiva捐助帮助一名企业家。Help an entrepreneur with a Kiva donation.

捐一笔钱便能让这只猫像鸡那样的咯咯叫。A donation makes the cat cluck like a chicken.

另一个例子是捐血战役。Another example is the blood donation campaign.

爸爸,刚才你往捐款箱里放了多少钱?Daddy, how much did you put in the donation box?

看见金之助他们三个举行捐款活动。See gold aid they held three donation activities.

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鼠类将会喜欢它们的新捐款报告。The hamsters will love their new donation report.

然后在现金捐赠快速通道页面捐款。Then donate on the Cash Donation Fast Track page.

把废纸篓放在办公桌上,并贴上“捐款箱”的标签。Trash on the desk, and paste the "donation box"label.

还有很多捐献项目在当地设立了回收箱。Some donation programs even have local drop-off boxes.

一个捐献者该如何在两个捐献选择中决定?How should a donor decide between two donation options?

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默默的关怀与祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。It's an invisible donation to care for and bless others.

这是他在珍藏捐赠仪式上的讲词。This is the speech Mr Tan gave at the donation ceremony.

你情愿呼应我们慈悲集团呼吁来捐物吗?。Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal?