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我将垃圾扔在肥堆上。I fling my waste on the compost pile.

其他的队伍正在用稻谷制作混合肥料。Others are dehulling rice, making compost

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成熟堆肥添加到现有的花园壤土。Add mature compost to existing garden loam.

把肥料或混合肥料混在土里使土壤肥沃。Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil.

把土豆皮扔到肥料堆上。Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.

把切割好的草皮放在施好肥料的土上。NO13, Put the grass cuttings on the compost heap.

现在,我要泡杯热气腾腾的肥料茶。Now, I am gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea.

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也许可以通过施农家肥是它活过来。Perhaps I can revive it with some homegrown COMPOST.

有许多不同风格的玻璃杯堆肥。There are many different styles of compost tumblers.

当然,善良的人们是不会堆肥那些恶念头的。Good people, of course, but not entirely compost mentis.

西雅图市民的废物回收率和堆肥率在美国一直名列前茅。Recycling and compost rates are among the highest in the nation.

然后,他们可以把沼气当成燃料,给积肥场供电供暖。Then they could burn it, to power and heat the compost facility.

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这些堆肥念着已建成挽救你的时间和工作。These compost tumblers have been built to save you time and work.

泥炭藓让土壤变松,蘑菇肥给土地养分。Peat moss is to loosen the soil and mushroom compost is for nutrients.

最后,把它们用于堆肥比直接扔掉还要贵。Ultimately, it's more expensive to compost the food than throw it away.

这时你就可以把堆肥取走,再用新的垫料补充空位。Now you can remove the compost and fill the empty space with new bedding.

柯伦教授说,另杂草的是将其制成堆肥。Professor Curran says another way to make use of weeds is to compost them.

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污泥和垃圾堆肥用作林木育苗基质的研究。Use of sewage sludge and refuse compost as medium for sapling cultivation.

我用堆肥器里堆出的肥料给花园的花儿施肥。I use the compost from the composter to fertilize the flowers in my garden.

对于杏的栽培,需要大量的排水材料和少量的土壤构成的栽培条件。For apricots, use a soil-less potting compost over plenty of drainage material.