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如何测量放射性?How is radioactivity measured?

对人类的危险程度和放射性是什么?What is the danger level for humans and radioactivity?

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现场测定岩土放射性样品392组。Radioactivity was measured in-situ over 392 rock and soil samples.

最糟糕的情况要数放射性物质的大量泄漏。The worst-case accident would be enormous releases of radioactivity.

放射性测量是非地震勘探方法之一。Radioactivity survey is one of the non-seismic exploration techniques.

人们食用低于该指导值的食品是安全的。Food with radioactivity levels below these GLs is safe for people to eat.

到目前为止,监测站还没有发现有放射性增加的迹象。Monitoring stations have not registered any increase in radioactivity as yet.

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已经确认在一些蔬菜和牛奶中发现放射性物质。The presence of radioactivity in some vegetables and milk has been confirmed.

你不能弄混,因为你不会得到,一个反应力的大释放。You can make a mess but you're not gonna have a major release of radioactivity.

结论放射性食管炎的治疗和护理,是放疗成败的关键。Conclusion It was succeed keys to treat and nurse of esophagitis of radioactivity.

此前经过食用处理的牛肉被测出最多3200贝克勒尔的放射性物质。After eating processed beef had tested a maximum of 3200 Becquerel's radioactivity.

例如,读取器也可以捕捉物品的温度或放射能。For example, a reader may also capture the temperature or radioactivity of an item.

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环境中放射性对健康的影响日益成为人们关心的问题。The unhealthful radioactivity in environment has increasingly been an interest problem.

假如加入的硅酸锆过量,瓷砖的放射性就会超标。If join siliceous zirconium excessive, the radioactivity of ceramic tile can exceed bid.

“我不知道为什麽,我着迷于放射性,”威尔逊以他的悠閒拖长声调说。"I'm obsessed with radioactivity. I don't know why, " says Wilson in his laid-back drawl.

爆炸的威力和大火夺走了至少31人的生命,并在大气中散发出放射性物质。An explosion and fire killed at least 31 people and sent radioactivity into the atmosphere.

这些探测器的灵敏度相当高,完全可以探测到随风飘散至世界各地的放射性颗粒。Its sensors are sensitive enough to detect radioactivity that wafts halfway around the globe.

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玛丽·斯卡洛多斯卡·居里是一个物理学家和化学家,并且是辐射领域的一个先锋。Marie Sklodowska Curie was a physicist and chemist and a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.

近来有关日本食品中含有放射性物质的报告会造成哪些国际影响?What are the international implications of the recent reports of radioactivity in food in Japan?

结果出人意料。他们发现随着时间迁移,似乎有些鸟类发展出了对核辐射的耐受力。Remarkably, they found that some species seem to develop a tolerance for radioactivity over time.