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这份通知措辞不太策略。The advice wasn't very tactfully worded.

这份通知措辞不太得体。The advice wasn't very tactfully worded.

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当然,这部影片巧妙的忽略了经济衰退。True, the film tactfully ignores the recession.

你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.

驾驶保时捷的人机智地将其车藏起来。Porsche drivers keep their cars tactfully hidden away.

你可以巧妙地指出该问题是不合法的。You can tactfully point out that the question is illegal.

我会婉转的规诫他不要这样做。I will tactfully admonish him not to behave like this again.

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而且我'以前看到它所有的,'当你如此的机智放它。And I have 'seen it all before, ' as you so tactfully put it.

凤舞委婉地解释了爵位的由来。The Feng dances tactfully occasion of unraveling the feudal title.

她巧妙地使这些不请自到的客人知趣儿,没有再呆下去。She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer.

并且试图去亲吻洛娜的嘴唇,洛娜机智的拒绝了。But Ilona tactfully refused him when he tried to kiss her on her lips.

不论是何种情况,你都能有策略地将谈话从钱上面引开。Either way, you can tactfully direct the conversation away from money.

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你应该定期巧妙的把你取得的成绩告诉老板。Tactfully toot your own horn by periodically apprising your manager of your successes.

土星停留在天平宫也就是你的第8宫,如果你能巧妙&谨慎的处理问题的话,你将会做到最好。With Saturn in Libra in your 8th house, you'll do best if you solve them tactfully and discreetly.

现在就参加口语课并学习如何自信并得体的用英语应对老板的问题!Join a conversation class now and learn how to answer your boss confidently and tactfully in English!

近代以来的男权文化,则委婉地告知女性以爱情为归宿。Since the modern times, the male-power culture then tactfully informs the love as the feminine disposition.

因此,在分析者的电话中,她机智但强硬的指出销售额骤跌是前任的原因。So, during the analyst's call, she tactfully but forcefully pointed to her predecessor as the source of the sales slump.

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狗娃机智地在李冬青家的有缸里找出了钱财,下令杀李冬青为大掌柜报仇。Gowardesh tactfully in dong-qing li home have found the money in the urn, ordered to kill dong-qing li revenge for big boss.

尽管赛尔南和洛弗尔表达了对奥巴马这一决定的失望,但是与会的阿姆斯特朗却巧妙地避开了这一话题。Although Cernan and Lovell expressed their dismay with President Obama's decision, Mr Armstrong tactfully avoided the subject.

Fearnley-Whittingstall成功的捍卫了自己的婚姻,同时也巧妙地建议说,所有长期的关系都是同等有效地。Fearnley-Whittingstall manages to champion marriage while suggesting tactfully that all long-term relationships are equally valid.