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和谐已经让位给了不和谐。Harmony has yielded to discord.

他在朋友中间挑拨离间。He sowed discord among his friends.

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她想在我们中间搬弄是非。She wanted to sow discord between us.

他在朋友中间挑拨离间。He is sowing discord among his friends.

一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。Our discord was originated by a quarrel.

什么事使得这个家庭不和?What has brought discord into the family?

哪儿有和谐,她就把纷争带到哪里。Where there was harmony she brought discord.

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他们也许曾听过愤怒与不和谐的言辞。They could've heard words of anger and discord.

为什么许多人喜欢用反间计呢?Why do many people like to use discord among it?

罗梅到琳琳家道歉,结果还是不欢而散。She apologize to Lin Lin, the result is in discord.

第一,对于伊朗的威胁论存在分歧。First, there's discord over the threat posed by Iran.

EPS以脾胃湿热为主,其次是肝胃不和。EPS to the main spleen, followed by the hepatogastric discord.

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我们不愿意看到在我们当今的社会中存在任何不和谐。We would rather there not be any discord in our society today.

铁板拍打水泥路面的声音,嘈杂刺耳。Iron board flaps the concrete pavement, emitting jingling discord.

本周射手要明白有组织是避免意见不和以及家庭不和的关键所在。Organization will be the key to avoiding discord and family feuds.

由于被自大冲昏头脑,他甚至想出邪恶的计谋和撒下纷争的种子。Puffed up in self-conceit, he may also devise evil and sow discord.

已故姐姐留下的这把银匙子倒真成了争吵的原因。This silver spoon of the dead sister was quite an apple of discord.

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以下的几条建议,也许能帮助你避免婚姻危机。Here's a little advice that might help you avoid matrimonial discord.

俄罗斯人忌讳打翻盐罐,把这看做家庭不和的预兆。Russians spilled salt shaker taboo, this as a harbinger of family discord.

辱骂和人身威胁是破坏婚姻的利剑。Verbal and physical threats and abuse become the weapons of marital discord.