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植物开始生长。Plants start growing.

那红花正开于其上。The red flower growing.

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戴维在蓄须。David is growing a beard.

我们父女俩在一起成长。We are growing up together.

而且我每一分钟都在长啊!And I'm growing every minute.

抱怨声在持续增长。Complaints have been growing.

很快地,一株豆茎长出来。Soon, a beanstalk is growing.

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阿富汗的经济在增长。The Afghan econmy is growing.

双方都变得眼睛凹陷了。Both were growing hollow-eyed.

庄稼长势旺盛。Crops are growing luxuriantly.

岩浆中萌生的蕨类植物,夏威夷Fern Growing From Lava, Hawaii

这些植物长势良好。These plants are growing well.

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无事忙中老。Busy with nothing, growing old.

但越来越多的西移。But growing numbers moved west.

五谷生长绿茵茵。Lushly growing are grain crops.

说我正老去,但要加上。Say I 'm growing old , but add.

安第斯山脉正在拔高。The Andes are actively growing.

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这个玩家正在变得不眠不休。The player is growing restless.

人口是的迅速增长。The population is growing fase.

在以后长长徳路上。On the way growing in hereafter.