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万物有灵论在原始人中很普遍。Animism is common among primitive peoples.

万物有灵论是学说或理论的灵魂。Animism is the doctrine or theory of the soul.

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书中的另一个重要思想是关于万物有灵论。Another important idea of this book is about animism.

人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教。Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism.

没有一种理论能像泛灵论这样深入人心。There is no theory which could go deep into human's mind except animism.

万物有灵论是把每一种现象都归咎于有一种精神居住在里面。Animism is ascribing to each natural phenomena a spirit to reside over it.

柬埔寨许多人比较迷信,信奉万物有灵论,认为有生命的物体与无生命的物体都是有灵魂的。Animism is the belief that spirits can inhabit living and inanimate objects.

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为应用理论的万物有灵论,以生活的东西一般,看到的生活。For the application of the theory of animism to living things in general, see LIFE.

万物有灵论是一种相信某种神灵能够使物体具有生命现象的信仰。Animism is an object believed to have some kind of God to belief in the phenomenon of life.

泛灵论、自然主义泛神论、盖亚理论——崇拜自然世界的信仰形形色色。From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world.

茶道的创造性和革命性也许已经不存在了,但其中的精神还在。Creative and revolutionary aspect of "Cha-No-Yu" may have long gone but their old animism still live on.

在这个意义上是万物有灵论的理论所提出的一些进化论者,以帐户为原产地的宗教。In this sense animism is the theory proposed by some evolutionists to account for the origin of religion.

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理论的万物有灵论已施加了很大的影响,对研究宗教在过去的二十年。The theory of animism has exerted great influence on the study of religions during the last twenty years.

最近每一年都能发现有关岩洞壁画和女神雕像以及其它万物有灵论的形式。New information about cave paintings and Goddess figurines and other forms of animism are being found every year.

这样富有想像力的能源就是无数符号象徵的起源,却被忽略为某些语焉不详的形式上的泛灵论。Such imaginative energies are at the origin of numerous symbols poorly explained as some vague formalist animism.

我觉得佛教比较像是一种哲学而非宗教,神道教则较相似于美国印地安人的泛灵论。I feel that Buddhism is more philosophy than religion, and Shintoism is a kind of Animism like that of the American Indian.

因为最初的人类生活中到处依赖大量的动物和植物,万物有灵论发展成为最初知晓的宗教。Because the first humans depended so much on the animals and plants around them for life, animism developed to be what was the first known religion.

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施甸布朗族信仰万物有灵,其多神崇拜是一定社会物质生活条件和民族主观意识共同作用的产物。The Blang people in Shidian County believe in animism. Their polytheism is the product of both the material life of their society and their subjective consciousness as an ethnic group.