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想做一个园林设计师?Want to be a landscaper?

然而,杰夫是现实生活中的园林护工。However, Jeff was a landscaper in real life.

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庭院设计就是确保一切都按照计划进行。The landscaper is there to ensure that everything stays just as planned.

您的庭园设计应该测试作为景观设计的过程中您的土壤。Your landscaper should test your soil as part of the landscape design process.

网络与朋友、家人找到正确的景物,能适应需要。Network with your friends, and family to find the right landscaper that can meet ones needs.

请问您的庭园设计如何块玻璃墙可以带来光明和火花,以一重阴影花园。Ask your landscaper how a glass block wall can bring light and sparkle to a heavily shaded garden.

从一本免费视频草坪和园艺花卉专业的园艺师施肥技巧。Fertilize flowers with tips from a professional landscaper in this free video on lawns and gardening.

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如果你是美化家居的一个山坡倾斜或其他网站,您的庭园设计评估您土壤类型。If you are landscaping a hillside home or other sloped site, have your landscaper evaluate your soil type.

您的庭园设计应该很容易能够处理的整地,播种和初步护理工作。Your landscaper should be quite easily able to handle the job of site preparation , seeding and initial care.

回顾过往53年岁月,杰夫发现自己几乎从事过各种工作,从酒吧服务生到园林师。Looking back on his past 53 years, Jeff found himself doing all kinds of jobs from a Bar tender to a landscaper.

首先需要雇佣一个职业的园林设计师,移除现存的草坪,然后安装上石头或者混凝土的铺路石。Hire a professional landscaper to come in and remove the existing lawn and install stone or concrete paving stones.

切成草皮从专业的园艺师用这个方便的工具,建议这个草坪养护免费视频。Cut into sod using this handy tool with advice from a professional landscaper in this free video on lawn maintenance.

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摆脱跳蚤在院子里自然与技巧在这个自由影片从专业的园艺师草坪和园艺。Get rid of fleas in the yard naturally with tips from a professional landscaper in this free video on lawns and gardening.

您的庭园设计也将帮助您直观地了解各种安排,将适合您的财产自然拓扑。Your landscaper will also help you visualize how various arrangements will fit into the natural topology of your property.

他是个精神上很独立的人,15岁的时候离开学校闯荡社会,曾经做过木匠,厨师和地产生意。An independent spirit who left high school at 15 to see the country, he has worked as a carpenter, a cook and a landscaper.

劳登说,由于不熟悉加州的植物特点,最后她将挑选草皮的工作留给了雅虎负责景观的部门。But, unfamiliar with California flora, Ms. Louden says she left it to Yahoo's landscaper to pick a grass suited for Sunnyvale.

该景物梗说,辛普森留下讯息辱骂他的电话答录机,黄疸,然后驱车到冈萨雷斯的房子。The landscaper said OJ Simpson left abusive message on his answering machine, then OJ drove over to Gonzales' house with Prody.

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联系您当地的景物或县农业代理人更关注的是,在您的区域使用此应用程序潜在的信息。Contact your local landscaper or county agricultural agent for more information about the potential of using this application in your area.

设想,你雇的汽车修理工或园林工打算按照与威斯康辛教师相同的精细条款为你干活。Imagine that your auto mechanic, handyman, or landscaper proposed to work for you under the same kind of elaborate rules as Wisconsin teachers.

就在格林不停地谈论就业、就业、就业后,一位园林设计师站出来问他准备如何解决这一地区严重的犯罪问题。After Greene talked about jobs, jobs, jobs, an unemployed landscaper came up and asked what he would do about the horrific crime rate in the neighborhood.