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我们在公园的小山上野餐。We picnicked on a knoll in the park.

青石路面,一直通到小山深处。Granite road noodles, all arrives knoll deep place.

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是否存在第二杀手,也许他就潜伏在附近的那个草坪上?Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby "grassy knoll"?

草地里的小丘显示着铁路曾经过的轨迹。A slight knoll in the grass shows where the temporary railway line once ran.

科诺尔通常不会用吹风机吹干头发,因为这样会令卷发显得毛躁。Mr. Knoll generally avoids blow-drying his hair, because it can make curls frizzy.

一条小路通向牧场旁边的一座小山,在那里几乎可以看到整个牧场。A little way down the pasture there was a knoll that commanded a view of most of the farm.

新的模块化工作的灵活和轻松地重新配置,由于诺尔家具和瓦莱里奥设计。The new modular work stations are flexible and easily reconfigured, thanks to Knoll furniture and Valerio design.

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这意味着我们很快就能确定是否有人正在从那个著名的山丘草地上向总统射击。Which means we’d probably know for sure whether someone was shooting at the president from that famous grassy knoll.

如果你在寻找高成长性的股票,你可能会对Icon很感兴趣而把Knoll当烫手山芋。If you were looking for hot growth stocks, you would probably find Icon of interest but drop Knoll like a hot potato.

诺尔和托斯卡说,这一发现并不能排除盐分较低的水曾流过火星的可能。Knoll and Tosca also say the finding doesn't rule out the possibility that less salty waters once flowed on the planet.

例如,Icon为制药企业提供临床试验外包服务,Knoll制造办公家具。For instance, Icon provides outsourced clinical-trial services to pharmaceutical companies, and Knoll makes office furniture.

受周围景观的启发,布诺火山就像一个从地面上升起的长满草的土丘。Inspired by the surrounding landscape, Vulcano Buono has a gently sloping profile that rises from the earth as a grassy green knoll.

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在那里挤满了热情洋溢的观众,好像是在温布尔登梦幻般的场地上那些被浅草覆盖而鼓起的小丘一样。It actually it felt a little like the fabled grounds at Wimbledon slopping grassy knoll that filled with cheering sun drenched fans.

诺尔轻厂的最初目的是通过软件公司创始人约翰诺尔产生光子鱼雷在星际旅行的电影。Knoll Light Factory was originally designed by Photoshop co-creator John Knoll to generate Photon Torpedoes in the Star Trek movies.

出席晚间活动之前,他通常会取豌豆大小的润发油或发蜡涂在手心上,摩擦双手将其均匀抹开,然后用手指抓头发。Knoll often takes a pea-sized amount of pomade or wax, rubs it between his hands to soften it up, and wraps pieces of hair around his fingers.

塞德勒指着我们所在小山和房屋间的鼠尾草豁口说,看起来大多数叉角羚就从这里通过。Right about here, Seidler said, pointing to a gap of sage between our knoll and the houses, is where most of the pronghorn seem to cross through.

演员们穿着晨衣进行了排练,然后暂停了一下以进行最后的服装调整,这期间卢卡斯和克诺继续检查着电影底片。The actors rehearse in their dressing gowns and then adjourn for final costume adjustments, while Lucas and Knoll continue to examine the footage.

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俱乐部成员之一,19岁的肖恩里斯,在“高地”上吊自杀了—就是一个在俱乐部后面的土丘,贝图斯最好的房子都在那。One of the club’s members, 19-year-old Sean Rees, hung himself on the Top Site, a knoll just behind the club where the nicest houses in Bettws are.

飘渺宫的帅叔叔掌门并没有把我们直接传送到冰极魔宫外面,而是把所有人放在了一座小山包上。The handsome uncle Zhang door of aery temple didn't convey to us instantly the ice pole outdoor in the devil's den, yet put employer at a knoll mantle.

他们几乎不费吹灰之力以91-77击败中国队,结束了对手短暂的2连胜。结果那些私下里给他们出主意的家伙只好夹着尾巴逃跑了。An almost effortless 91-77 win by Greece ended China's modest two-game winning streak and sent the conspiracy theorists scrambling to find another grassy knoll.