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这个字现在已废弃不用了。This word is now obsolescent.

马车已经过时。Horse carriages are obsolescent.

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这类计算机是快要过时的。This type of computer is obsolescent.

不适用鱼类、两栖、爬行动物的饲养。Obsolescent fish, amphibious, the feeding of reptile.

他们家后院有一排快要不用的马厩。An obsolescent row of horse stalls lined the back of yard.

他们没有坦克,唯一的火炮还是老掉牙的75毫米榴弹炮。They had no tanks and their only artillery were obsolescent 75mm howitzers.

人的聪明才智使他自己变成了过时落伍的工人。Through man's spirit of ingenuity he has made himself obsolescent as a worker.

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有的网页只在特定的阶段有价值,此后就会过时。Some pages are valuable only in a specific period, and then become obsolescent.

即将过时的单极世界经济秩序应该被以几个主要中心相互作用为基础的系统所替代。The obsolescent unipolar world economic order should be replaced by a system based on the interaction of several major centers.

本文显得过于简单,忽略了很多实际问题,所以对于精确度要求较高的投资者并不适用。This text seems to is too in brief, neglecting a lot of actual problems, so requesting higher investor to combine obsolescent to the accuracy.

仅靠陈旧的足球学校模式来培养人才已经跟不上足球产业的飞速发展。Only depending on the obsolescent model in football school to cultivate the talents cannot catch the speedy development of the football industries.

提出通过植入软、硬件中间件的方法实现对现有测试系统中荒废仪器的替换。In order to make a replacement of obsolescent instrument in existing test system, this Paper presents a new approach through embedded software or hardware middleware.

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俄罗斯拒绝出售图22M轰炸机给中国以后,俄国也在继续观察中国空军是如何替换它的渐要废弃的轰炸机部队。Following Russia's rejection to sell any Tu-22M BACKFIRE bombers to China, it remains to be seen whether and how the PLAAF will replace its obsolescent strategic bomber force.

通过对新时期高等学校淘汰仪器设备的特点分析,结合我校的实践经验,提出淘汰仪器设备开发利用的具体措施。With respect to our experiences, this article analyzed the features of obsolescent equipment in contemporary colleges, and proposed some measures of making development and utilization of them.