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这就是目的论推理的一个例子。This is an example of teleological reasoning.

目的论的推论的原则,我相信The teleological framework of reasoning,I believe

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嗯,在他那正义的目的论,在其叙述的主线上Well, in line with his teleological account of justice

实证主义断然否定那些采用目的论做研究的领域。Positivism flatly denies that any field of inquiry is open for teleological research.

这是对亚里士多德的公正的目的论说法的主要反对意见之一。And this is one of the main objections to Aristotle's teleological account of justice.

遵守上帝的戒条,是这段历史的目的。Observance of God's commandments is, as Levenson puts it, the teleological end of history.

朝向“计划经济”过渡的范围是如何?这计划是目的的或者是起源的?To what extent was this a transition to a "planned" economy? Were the plans teleological or genetic?

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其实这些条件都是起源于人类,却被用于解释人类的行为。These other conditions too are of human origin and can only be explained by resorting to teleological methods.

在人们无法找出原因和结果的关系的时候,他们便会寻求目的论的解释。Where people did not know how to seek the relation of cause and effect, they looked for a teleological interpretation.

所以,关于分配官职和荣誉称号的争论,不仅具有这种目的论的特性,而且还是一个关于彰显荣耀的问题。So, the argument about the distribution of offices and honors has this teleological character, but also an honorific dimension.

因此,我们不应用目的论的方法,用现代的眼光解释过去。We must therefore avoid the teleological approach, which tends to characterize past historical culture from a modern perspective.

他们都宣称用纯粹的因果关系分析来代替目的论,因为用目的论研究人类行为是不科学的。Both claim to substitute a purely causal treatment of human action for the — as they declare unscientific — teleological treatment.

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在此目的论视野下,才能更为合理地进行流动的、多样的同时也是时代性的主体性的建构。Under the teleological visual field, fluent, diversified and leading construction of human being subjectivity can be more rational.

而在目的论判断力中,想象力对理性概念的直观化来说,仍然是不可缺少的能力根据。Concerning the teleological power of judgment, the author discovered the role of imagination in intuitional process of reason's concept.

乔布斯的工作则更具目的维度,这正如他曾言及的那样“大多数时候,人们并不知道他想要的是什么,直到你将东西展示在他们面前”。Jobs’s approach had a teleological dimension. "A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them, " he once said.

目的论的看法常基于一种善意的兴趣,想要揭示出上帝的智慧特别启示于自然中。Teleological observations on things often proceed from a well-meant wish to display the wisdom of God as it is especially revealed in nature.

正是因为这一原则,我们才能够将自然界看成一个由低到高不断进展的目的系统,因而使得从自然到自由的沟通成为可能。According to this principle, we can see the nature as a developing teleological system and then make the link possible from nature to freedom.

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宇宙目的论的论点,并受到持续的批评,特别是由苏格兰哲学家大卫休谟指出经验主义和怀疑者。Cosmological and teleological arguments have come under sustained criticism, notably by Scottish philosopher David Hume, noted empiricist and skeptic.