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也假定了一个初始条件。We've assumed an initial condition.

我对我的姿态不佳毫无办法。Assumed a posture of angry defiance.

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他过着隐姓埋名的生活。He was living under an assumed name.

你认为他肯定常常锻炼。And you assumed that he must work out.

他统率着第八军。He assumed command of the Eighth Army.

他快乐的样子是假装的。His look of happiness is only assumed.

萤石是一种常见呈晶簇产出的矿物。Fluorite is common mineral assumed druses.

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1689年他全面掌权做了沙皇。He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

他们从我的姓推测我是法国人。They assumed I was French from my surname.

但很快,他又装出一副让人信任的语气来。But soon he again assumed a confiding tone.

我想商务签证应该可以行得通。I assumed a business visa would be required.

假定B是核的横截面积。B is the assumed cross-section of the nucleus.

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他们编造了一套谎言来愚弄人民。He's not such a fool as you assumed him to be.

他们采用他们新来到国家的习俗。They assumed the customs of their new country.

我一直认为我是那个教给他人生哲理的人。I assumed I was the one doing all the teaching.

他具有一个积极进取的、有冲劲和进取心的人的风度。He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.

假定页由换页符定界。Pages are assumed to be delimited by form feeds.

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身为家庭一员,“喷气机”扮演多个角色。Jet assumed many roles as a member of our family.

每一项标准的输入数字都是“假定值”。The input figures for each were "assumed values".

公司的股东并担任该公司总经理。Bhd . and assumed the position of General Manager.