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这是在针叶林中蜿蜒的小路。This one is just a meandering in the woods path.

那地方尽是弯弯的河水跟绿绿的草原。The place offers meandering rivers and green meadows.

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这条崎岖的羊肠小道非常难走。This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate.

它具有河流蜿蜒、海洋雄浑的特色。It will be like meandering rivers and the bellowing sea.

这是南美洲最蜿蜒的河流之一。This is one of the most meandering rivers in South America.

当你沉浸在快乐之中时,漫步的时候会使小偷盯上你。While enjoyable, meandering makes you stand out to pickpockets.

这幅图像展现了沙丘原野上的干冰从固体蒸发为气体后景象,明亮的季节性冰原只残留下几小片,我们可以看到沙丘上蜿蜒着无数道沙尘暴留下的黑色痕迹。Numerous dark dust devil tracks can be seen meandering across the dunes.

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因为江水呈黑绿色,蜿蜒地流着象条游龙。Because the river was dark green, like a meandering stream to be Youlong.

不过,轻松的掸掸灰尘,或者缓步走到巴士站,严格说起来不能算是运动。However, light dusting or meandering to the bus stop strictly did not count.

公园和蜿蜒的高尔夫球场则呈现绿褐色。Meanwhile, the occasional park or meandering golf course appears green-brown.

桂林还以蜿蜒的漓江和桃花江闻名遐迩。Guilin is also famous for its meandering Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River.

游客基本只能靠乘车沿着蜿蜒险峻的盘山公路下山。Most tourists descend by taking a bus down along the meandering mountain roads.

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研究区沉积相模式与经典的曲流河沉积模式极为相似。The sedimentary model in study area is similar with classical meandering stream.

这条“街的空间”延伸到KKI糖果商店,在其间的房间空间蜿蜒。This street-like space extends into KKI, meandering between the volumes of rooms.

最让我担心的是我越开越坏了,更何况我们正闲谈着。The worry is it makes my driving worse. Plus I worry I'm giving you meandering quotes.

太行山、燕山山地中的深切曲流河谷形成于第四纪。In the Tathang and Yan Mountains, incised and meandering valleys formed in Quarternary.

牛羊在田野中蹒跚,蓝天一望无际。Sheep and cows were meandering in the fields, and the blue sky stretched out for miles.

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H3段西部发育辫状河,东部发育曲流河。The west H3 zone developed braided river, while the east H3 zone developed meandering river.

在大邑县,中国游客在蜿蜒曲折的乡间大宅院中漫步。IN DAYI COUNTY, Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of a rural mansion.

弯曲河段的撇弯切滩现象较普遍。In the meandering reaches, the phenomena of the cut-bank and thrown-away-elbow are prevalent.