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风掀掉了谷仓的顶。The wind unroofed the barn.

连畜棚都井然有序。Even the barn was shipshape.

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一座谷仓靠着农舍。A barn adjoins the farmhouse.

在马棚的里面是黑暗的。It was black inside the barn.

孩子们飞跑到谷仓去了。The children ran to the barn.

他们住在谷仓改建成的房屋。The live in a converted barn.

仓库爆炸后,仓库保管员感到昏昏然。They store the barn with hay.

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他们在谷仓打谷。They are threshing in the barn.

我们这是在一间马棚里过夜。We are in a barn for the night.

他命令奥利弗走出马棚。He ordered Olive out of the barn.

我听见羊在圈里咩咩地叫。I heard sheep baaing in the barn.

它满足地安睡在马房。She's content to sleep in a barn.

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农民把草挑进谷仓。The farmers pole hay into a barn.

这个东倒西歪的粮仓该修理了。The rickety barn needs repairing.

他们让母牛在牲口棚里过冬。They winter the cows in the barn.

铺在马厩里的草已粘结成层。Litter in the barn has bedded down.

士兵们在谷仓里打铺过夜。The soldiers bedded down in a barn.

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农民把马拴在马棚里。A farmer keeps his horses in a barn.

伍迪在艾尔的玩具仓里都碰上了谁?Who did Woody meet at Al's Toy Barn?

他打算明天给粮仓封顶。He is going to top the barn tomorrow.