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她缺少坚定性。She lacks resolution.

极高分辨率?。VHR? Very High Resolution?

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将你的决心公之于众。Go public with your resolution.

我们赞同这项决议。We subscribe to the resolution.

域名解析是如何工作的How domain name resolution works

这项决议案不痛不痒。This is an innocuous resolution.

这是他在伦敦的第一个新年。That is my New Year's resolution.

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时常回顾你的决心。Review your resolution constantly.

最后决议还是重新通过了。The resolution was repassed at last.

企业LSID解决方案网络The Enterprise LSID Resolution Network

我们认为该决议非常有意义。We find the resolution very meaningful.

点击图片得到更高的解像度。Click on image to get higher resolution.

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我每天都想着这条决议。I think about that resolution every day.

什么是理想的分辨率值?What should be an ideal resolution value?

看春晚,毋宁死,也许这是个不错的新年新立志。That is not too bad a new year resolution.

与解析度和装置无关的图形。Resolution and device-independent graphics.

我拍了几张高分辨率照片。I have taken several high resolution photos.

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新的决议案因此获得一致通过。The new resolution was adopted by consensus.

决议博得满场异口同声的欢呼。The resolution was acclaimed with one voice.

输入时提前寻址和地址解析Type-ahead addressing and address resolution