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守卫者将球传至中央。The defender centered the ball.

中间或左边对齐的布局?Centered or left-aligned layout?

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我们也不以大脑为中心。We are not centered in our mind.

床沿是否平整地放好。Bed throw must be centered and smooth.

第一个原子中心被置于起始位置。The first atom is centered at the origin.

她将时钟放在壁炉架正中央。She centered the clock on the mantelpiece.

工业区集中在北边。The industral area is centered in the north.

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恋爱和婚姻是厄秀拉生活的中心。Love and marriage is centered in Ursula's life.

匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary.

她把这些花移到了桌子的中央。She centered the flowers in the middle of the table.

今日欧洲市场将聚焦于德国ZEW经济预期指数。European activity will be centered on the German ZEW.

孔子的教诲以仁为中心。The teachings of Confucius are centered upon charity.

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尝试着一个星期生活在一个以“他人为中心”的世界。Try living for a week in an "other centered" universe.

选择了子菜单后,这些菜单全部都会集中在一起。All this menus are centered after selecting a sub- menu.

现在他们的研究集中到爱的另一个方面。Now their research is centered on the flip side of love.

我将会是以光为中心的,较少低次元的。I will be more light centered and less lower dimensional.

今年早些时候,投行挖的主要是鼎鼎有名的人物。The poaching frenzy earlier this year centered on big names.

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确保磁搅拌器是处于搅拌盘的中心位置。Be sure the magnetic stirrer is centered over the stir plate.

我们常常讨论孩子自信力的问题。Discussions about self-esteem often are centered on children.

海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row.